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IMAV 2014 : International Micro Air Vehicle conference and competitions 2014


When Aug 12, 2014 - Aug 15, 2014
Where Delft, the Netherlands
Submission Deadline May 15, 2014
Notification Due Jun 15, 2014
Final Version Due Jun 30, 2014
Categories    robotics   artificial intelligence   aerospace   embedded systems

Call For Papers

IMAV 2014
International Micro Air Vehicle
Conference and Competitions

August 12 - 15, 2014. Delft, the Netherlands


The conference focuses on research in all areas related to Micro Air Vehicles, with suggested topics including:
- Low-Reynolds and MAV aerodynamics
- Enhanced autonomy and artificial intelligence applied to MAVs
- Sense and Avoid
- MAV swarms, formation flight
- Flapping wings, morphing and bio-inspired MAVs
- Vision-based sensing
- Control theory and state estimation
- Autonomous navigation in GPS-denied environments
- Design methodologies and optimization
- System architecture for MAV operation
- MAV applications and flight testing

Authors may submit two kinds of papers: scientific papers and technical papers (both maximum 8 pages). Scientific papers will be subjected to a single-blind review process of the entire article. All papers will be assigned a DOI and will be available in the TU Delft repository. The authors of the articles nominated for the best paper award will have the opportunity to participate in an expedited review process in the International Journal on Micro Air Vehicles (

Important dates:
Submission deadline: May 15, 2014
Notification deadline: June 15, 2014
Camera ready submission: June 30, 2014


The IMAV 2014 will have a single competition, which combines outdoor and indoor elements - and transitions between outdoor and indoor spaces. The competition will simulate a disaster response scenario, in which the teams will have to give an overview of the situation in "Oostdorp", a village constructed by the Ministry of Defense for exercise purposes. The teams have to perform tasks such as indicating which roads are blocked and finding out how many survivors there are inside the houses.

Teams can borrow Parrot AR drones for participating in the competition. The Parrot AR drone is a stable and easily programmable quad rotor equipped with cameras for potential use by computer vision. Since recently, it can be expanded with a GPS and used with the Paparazzi open source autopilot code for autonomous flight outdoors.

Teams can also receive MATLAB licenses and support from MathWorks for the modelling of their MAVs. Notably, a model of the Parrot AR drone is available for the teams.

A selection round is organized for teams that want to join the competition. Teams that want to participate in the competition will have to submit a team video before June 1, 2014.

For more information, please visit

Micro Air Vehicle laboratory, Delft University of Technology

Main sponsors
Parrot, Mathworks, Royal Netherlands Army

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