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KMAH 2014 : Kyiv-Mohyla Arts and Humanities


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Apr 7, 2014
Categories    literature   history   philosophy

Call For Papers

The National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy is initiating the first Ukrainian peer review academic humanities journal, Kyiv-Mohyla Arts and Humanities. It aims to create an international community of scholars in setting up an open dialogue between historians, literary scholars, and philosophers, with an accent on Ukrainian and Central & Eastern European Studies. Maintaining high standards and scholarly ethics, the journal is published online bi-annually.
The very first issue of the journal, which will appear in 2014, is dedicated to the 200th year anniversary of Taras Shevchenko’s birth.
We welcome submissions of original articles related to the journal scope.

Kyiv-Mohyla Arts and Humanities covers the areas of:
History (History of Central & Eastern Europe of the 16th-20th Centuries)
Literature (Ukrainian Literature in its cultural, historical, philosophical, comparative perspectives)
Philosophy (History of Ukrainian and World Philosophy, Epistemology, Logic, Ethics, Aesthetics, Philosophical Anthropology, Social Philosophy)

Submission instructions
- The manuscript should be prepared in MS Word format and submitted to
- All articles should be written in English.
- The article should be 4000-15000 words in length, or longer if approved by the editor-in-chief. The book reviews should not be longer than 2000 words.
- The article should contain: a). name(s) of the author(s) (first name and last name); b). title; c). abstract (200-300 words); d). 5-7 keywords; e). body of the article; f). references.
- The article should be divided into several subsections (e. g. introduction, theoretical frameworks, main subsections, conclusion(s)).
- Preparing the bibliography, please use the Chicago citation style. All references should be in Roman script in alphabetical listing.

Submission deadline
If possible, please submit your article by April 7th 2014. If this deadline cannot be met, let us know and we will try to accommodate you.

Further information
Any correspondence, inquiries or additional requests for information on the article submission process should be sent to the editorial office as follows:

Olga Poliukhovych
Project Coordinator & Managing Editor
Kyiv-Mohyla Journals
National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
04655 Ukraine, Kyiv
2 Skovoroda St.

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