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MICRO-41 2008 : 41st Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture


When Nov 8, 2008 - Nov 12, 2008
Where Lake Como, Italy
Abstract Registration Due May 13, 2008
Submission Deadline May 20, 2008
Notification Due Aug 5, 2008
Categories    architecture   compilers   microarchitecture    measurement

Call For Papers

The 41st International Symposium on Microarchitecture is the premier forum for
presenting, discussing, and debating innovative microarchitecture ideas and techniques for advanced computing and communication systems. This symposium brings together researchers in fields related to microarchitecture, compilers, chips, and systems for technical exchange on traditional microarchitecture topics and emerging research areas. The MICRO community has enjoyed a close interaction between academic researchers and industrial designers and we aim to continue this tradition at MICRO-41. Papers are solicited in fields including (but not limited to) the following:

* Architectures and designs for concurrency: superscalar, VLIW, data parallel,
multithreaded, multicore, transactional, etc.
* Compiler techniques for instruction, thread, and memory-level parallelism
* Architectures and compilers for graphics/gaming, embedded processors, DSPs,
ASIPs (network, multimedia, wireless, etc.)
* Dynamic optimization, emulation, and object code translation
* Software/hardware speculation and prediction schemes
* Low and ultra-low power designs, design efficiency optimizations
* Microarchitecture support for reliability, dependability, and security
* Microarchitecture modeling and simulation methodology
* Architectures for new computing paradigms/emerging technologies
* Measurement and analysis of real systems
* Novel memory and storage architectures
* Novel interconnection fabrics, NOCs, optical, etc.

Qualitative papers: In addition to traditional papers, authors are encouraged
to submit manuscripts with more forward-looking, bold, and/or unconventional
ideas (still within the scope of MICRO). Such qualitative papers will be
evaluated more on novelty, creativity, and inherent value propositions,
andless on implementation and experimental evaluation. Nevertheless, they
should provide some indication as to the potential merits of the proposed
ideas, such as preliminary evaluations that extrapolate the potential. Both classes
of papers will be considered equally for inclusion based on overall merit.

Related Resources

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EuroSimE 2025   26th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems
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uASC 2025   1st Microarchitecture Security Conference (uASC '25)
ICEEA 2025   2025 15th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Applications (ICEEA 2025)