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TASS 2013 : Workshop on Timing Analysis and Synthesis for Synchronous Models


When Dec 3, 2013 - Dec 3, 2031
Where Vancouver, Canada
Submission Deadline Oct 4, 2013
Notification Due Oct 28, 2013
Final Version Due Nov 6, 2013
Categories    embedded systems   real-time   model-driven development   software

Call For Papers

Model-based design of embedded control systems using Synchronous Reactive (SR) models is among the best practices for software development in application domains such as automotive and aeronautic industry. In the model-based development of software systems, the input of the process is a functional model described according to the synchronous reactive formalism, as in the very popular commercial tools Simulink and SCADE.

The real-time systems community has traditionally considered tasks or jobs (from the operating system concept of thread) as the units for the analysis model. However, the industrial world is moving away from the traditional manual programming to adopt model-based design. The threads (as concurrent units of execution, managed by the operating system) are in the background, and functional models, such as dataflows or networks of synchronous blocks, including extended finite state machines are the modeling entities. The task (or threads) model becomes an intermediate artifact, and the timing analysis becomes part of a synthesis problem.

Such a new design paradigm imposes new challenges to the real-time research community, including the optimal placement of functions, the optimal assignment of priorities (or time slots) to tasks and messages and the optimal packing of communication signals in frames. The problem constraints are the semantics properties of the functional model that need to be preserved, and the task model must guarantee a correct implementation that is feasible and memory effective or time-robust. Synthesis and optimization methods that try to provide the optimal design within the schedulability constraints are needed.

The workshop tries to bring a selection of original submitted papers and possibly invited talks discussing experiences with projects and case studies on the above scope. The topics include (but are not limited to):

-Task design optimization and task synthesis starting from functional models

-Scheduler synthesis and optimization of scheduling parameters

-Formalization of feasibility regions against time constraints for new and original problems

-New algorithms and methods for finding optimality in timing problems or bounding the error with respect to optimal solutions

-Definition of multi-parameter optimality problems in real cases and solutions

-Case studies including synthesis of system design of system parameters against constraints and metrics that include timing performance

Related Resources

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EEIJ 2025   Electrical Engineering: An International Journal
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