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CRTS 2009 : 2nd Workshop on Compositional Theory and Technology for Real-Time Embedded Systems


When Dec 1, 2009 - Dec 4, 2009
Where Washington DC, USA
Submission Deadline Sep 25, 2009
Notification Due Oct 22, 2009
Final Version Due Oct 30, 2009
Categories    real-time   distributed systems   middleware   formal methods

Call For Papers

CRTS'09 is held in conjunction with the
30th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS'09)
December 1 - December 4, Washington, D.C., USA

The increasing complexity of real-time embedded systems demands
advanced methodologies that can facilitate their design and analysis,
while assuring correctness, real-time, and performance requirements.
Promising is a paradigm of compositional theories and technologies
that allows for the decomposition of a complex system into simpler
pieces (components), as well as the integration of individual
components to achieve system functions collectively, while preserving
the principles of

- compositionality: the system-level (global) property can be
established from composing component-level (local) properties, and
- composability: the properties established and validated for
components in isolation hold also after the components are assembled
into the system.

Such a composition paradigm calls for new component concepts and
composition mechanisms that can support various key characteristics of
real-time embedded systems, such as timeliness, safety, security,
quality of service, and adaptability.

Topics of interest for the workshop are all of those associated with
compositional theory and technology for real-time embedded systems,
including (but not limited to):

- COMPOSITIONAL SCHEDULING THEORIES: compositional schedulability and
execution-time analysis; horizontal/vertical composition of various
real-time resource management schemes (e.g., CPU, memory, power,
thermal); composition of cluster-based multicore or multiprocessor

- COMPONENT MODEL AND INTERFACE: component model for real-time
embedded systems; interface theory and development for real-time
embedded systems; component technology for real-time embedded systems.

- COMPOSITIONAL FORMAL METHODS: compositional techniques for modeling
and formal methods; composition of validation and verification

- COMPOSITIONAL DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS: composition of network protocol
layers for real-time communications; compositional end-to-end delay
analysis in distributed systems.

- COMPOSITION OF POLICIES AND SERVICES: composition of system layers
(e.g., OS, middleware) for real-time embedded systems; composition of
performance policies and techniques for adaptive or reconfigurable
real-time embedded systems; composition of services (e.g., robustness,
privacy, safety, security) for real-time embedded systems.

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