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AHCI@CSCC 2015 : AHCI@CSCC 2015: Alternative Human Computer Interfaces


When Jul 16, 2015 - Jul 20, 2015
Where Zakinthos, Greece
Submission Deadline Apr 30, 2015
Notification Due May 29, 2015
Final Version Due Jun 15, 2015
Categories    computational intelligence   HCI   computer science   software engineering

Call For Papers

The emergence of alternative forms of Human Computer Interfaces (HCI) such as Natural, Perceptual, Affective, Tangible, Haptic, Gestural, Eye-Gaze Based, Brain-Computer and Neural-Computer Interfaces presents new challenges as well as opportunities for interface designers and users. Two communities of people are the main users of such interfaces. People with physical or cognitive impairments use alternative interfaces as primary or secondary pathways of communication in Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) environments or for rehabilitation. Healthy people use novel interfaces for entertainment, learning or robot control. The Special Session will discuss all types of Alternative HCI, their design, implementation and usability evaluation, including but not limited to digital biosignal processing; computational intelligence methods and algorithms; software, hardware and service architectures for Alternative HCI, user interface modelling and intelligent control. Multidisciplinary contributions that bridge Alternative HCI and Artificial Intelligence (AI) with related domains such as psychology, cognitive science, and computer graphics are also welcome.

 Affective and social interfaces
 Affective speech analysis, recognition and synthesis
 Alternative UIs for e-accessibility and e-inclusion
 Alternative user interfaces for ubiquitous computing
 Applications of affective, gestural and neural interfaces for robotics
 Applications of alternative HCI for e-Learning, edutainment and entertainment
 Artificial intelligence techniques in alternative interfaces
 Augmented reality interfaces
 Brain and Neural Computer Interfaces
 Communication devices for impaired, disabled and aged
 Computational models of intelligent user interfaces
 Biofeedback for adaptive human-robot interaction
 Evaluations of alternative user interfaces
 Example-and demonstration-based interfaces
 Eye tracking and eye gaze-based HCI
 Facial and body gesture recognition and modelling
 Gestural, haptic and tangible user interfaces
 Human-Behaviour-Adaptive Interfaces
 Interface design for gamification
 Interfaces for Ambient Assisted Living Environments
 Knowledge-based approaches to user interface design and generation
 Multi-modal user interfaces
 Natural language and speech processing
 Physiological and affective computing
 Predictive and proactive interfaces
 Psychology & cognition in natural user interfaces
 Psychophysiological human state recognition from alternative input modalities
 Smart and immersive interfaces
 Smart interaction and interfaces for wearable computing
 User-centred design of assistive interfaces
 Virtual environments for rehabilitation
 Visualization and animation for feedback in BCI

Authors should submit a paper which is prepared for the conference and has not been published in any journal or conference proceedings.
The papers must be prepared using conference paper format
The paper submission website is
Papers submitted independently to CSCC 2015 conference can not be considered for AHCI@CSCC-2015.

Proceedings will be indexed in ISI and SCOPUS while extended version of the accepted papers will be reviewed for publication in ISI, SCOPUS Journals and Springer Verlag books (also indexed in ISI/Scopus)

prof. dr. Robertas Damaševičius
Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania

30 04 2015 – Submission of papers
29 05 2015 – Notification of acceptance
12 06 2015 – Print ready paper submission

More information and registration on the conference website http://

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