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OLLD 2019 : Open Living Lab Days | |||||||||||
Link: https://enoll.org/newsroom/?news-id=6493 | |||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||
OpenLivingLab Days 2019: Call for Papers
The call for submissions to the 10th Open Living Lab Days in Thessaloniki is now open. The deadline for submissions is April 26th, 2019 6pm CET. What is OpenLivingLab Days? OpenLivingLab Days (OLLD) is the annual gathering of the global Living Lab community. A space for public officials, companies, entrepreneurs, academics, living lab representatives, and innovators to connect and work together: to create new products and services, to set the basis for debate and exploration of theories, and to discuss and process policy recommendations within the practical elements of open and user-driven innovation. Through interactive panel discussions, hands-on workshops with leading experts and site visits to our local partners, OLLD offers an exclusive networking and knowledge sharing experience. Join Living Labs, companies, public officials, policy makers, researchers, non-profits and entrepreneurs to: ✅ Explore co-creation methodologies, tools and best practices ✅ Meet new partners for consortium building and set-up transnational experimentation grounds ✅ Transform markets by engaging citizens in co-creating products and services ✅ Find potential experimentation & test environments Theme of the Research Session Co-creating Innovation: Scaling up from local to global During Open Living Lab Days 2019 we will focus on methodologies and theoretical challenges of co-creating innovation with stakeholder communities. The main interest is to understand how Living Labs can contribute to generate and transfer innovation processes by integrating Action Design Research from local communities to global contexts. Why Co-creation? Key component of User-driven Innovation Turning into buzzword, fear of losing quality Horizon Europe Why “from local to global”? Up-scaling and transferring innovation Connecting innovation pockets SME Internationalisation: how does innovation jump between borders? How could the Living Lab community contribute? A Living Lab is an innovation intermediary, which orchestrates an ecosystem of actors in a specific region. Its goal is to co-design product and services, on an iterative way, with key stakeholders in a public private people partnership and in a real-life setting. One of the outcomes of this co-design process is the co-creation of social value (benefit). To achieve its objectives, the Living Lab mobilises existing innovation tools and methods or develop new ones. (Mastelic, J., (2019), Stakeholders’ engagement in the co-design of energy conservation interventions: The case of the Energy Living Lab, Doctoral Thesis, University of Lausanne). LLs are both practice-driven organisations that facilitate and foster open, collaborative innovation, as well as real-life environments or arenas where both open innovation and user innovation processes can be studied and subject to experiments and where new solutions are developed. LLs operate as intermediaries among citizens, users, stakeholders, research organisations, companied, cities and regions for joint value co-creation, rapid prototyping or validation to scale up innovation and businesses. LLs have common elements but multiple different implementations. Let’s discuss together how to better co-create innovation! Are you a researcher or a practitioner and want to share your experience? The European Network of Living Labs invites you to send a contribution to work on the theme of Co-creating Innovation: Scaling up from Local to Global. If you have a great case study, a piece of research or on-going project you want to share with the Living Lab community, then we encourage you to submit a paper to the conference. As a practitioner, a researcher, a student, a member of a public authority, you can share your experience with the largest community of Living Labs, so do not hesitate to take part. You can submit papers in four different categories to encourage a diverse participation of actors: Full Research Papers. Research-in-Progress Papers. Doctoral Consortium Papers. Innovation cases/project from industry/practitioner/innovation agents, see more details below OpenLivingLab Days 2019 brings together both academics and managers from fields of innovation and fields applying Living Labs and Living Laboratories to explore the benefits Living Labs provide for a variety of stakeholders. The 10th edition of the Living Lab Research Day at the Open Living Lab Days conference is an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to: Bring together a state-of-the-art review of Living Lab concepts and their usage Strengthen Living Labs as an area of innovation Assess new trends, current challenges and developments of Living Labs Co-design new disruptive innovation models Establish strong connections with other emerging disciplines Contribute to build transformative and mission-oriented research The Call encourages contributions related to the following topics: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges – Chair Prof. Tuija Hirvikoski – Laurea University Organisational dynamic capabilities of Living Lab actors (learning capability, innovation and development capability, etc.) Individual competences of all the actors involved in living lab activities Integrating learning theories to LL theories/frameworks Impact evaluation of Living Labs (Integration of quantitative and qualitative methods to tackle the issue of evidence based Living Lab services, including Ethical codes of conduct: how to implement and evaluate it?) How to ensure shared meaning creation and increase of trust capital in LL? Methods and tools? Ontological and epistemological foundations of LLs (Social constructionist/feminist/realist/positivist/hermeneutic interpretation of LLs) Smart Cities & Regions – Chairs Prof. Anna Stålbröst and Dr. Ali Payab – Luleå Uiversity of Technology Citizen engagement and coping with marginalization via Living Labs in the design of the Smart Cities & Regions. Adoption barriers and challenges. Sustainable urban planning and development, Smart Villages, Urban and Rural Living Labs, Mobility and transportation Gamification, social media, big data and other digital technologies. Security and privacy issues. Health & Wellbeing – Chairs Prof. Panagiotis Bamidis – Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Ömer Onur – Başakşehir LL Istanbul Defining most significant issues in cities, stakeholders and their roles. Collection of the relevant data in selected Health & Wellbeing areas. Modelling Co-creation of finding innovative solutions that will enable improvement in Health & Wellbeing. Creating and implementing solutions with all stakeholders. Platforms and Reporting systems of Continuous and Reliable Measurements after implementation of solutions. Sustainable Living Lab Processes, Business Models and Goals – Chair Dr. Joëlle Mastelic – HES-SO Valais Transformative research, methods, engagement Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6) Affordable & Clean Energy (SDG 7) Responsible consumption and production (SDG 12) Climate Action, Decarbonisation (SDG 13) Open Track – Chair Prof. Tuija Hirvikoski – Laurea University This track is open to submission for any topic connected to co-creating innovation in a Living Lab environment. Doctoral Consortium (open only to PhD students) – Chairs Prof. Anna Stålbröst – Luleå University of Technology and Prof. Panagiotis Bamidis – Aristotle University of Thessaloniki This provides an opportunity for doctoral students to explore and develop their research interests in an interdisciplinary workshop, under the guidance of a panel of distinguished researchers. Extended abstracts will be discussed by PhD students during the session and relevant feedback for improvement and further development of their research will be provided. Contributing is easy The conference committee is inviting academic and practice submission, as well as workshop sessions and doctoral papers. Open Living Lab Days encourage submissions from academics, researchers, practitioners, private, NGO and public sector agencies, policy makers, students, and all those interested in co-creating innovation. If one of the authors is a PhD student, please indicate it on the track selection. A doctoral consortium session will be dedicated to PhD researches. Please consider all papers have to be submitted in English language. You can choose between one of the four paper categories: CATEGORY 1 Full Research Papers Description Full research papers refer to complete research with clear results Length 5.000 words Instructions Papers go through a double-blind review process that evaluates their significance, originality, contribution and clarity. Upon acceptance please make sure that at least one author registers to secure a slot for their presentation in the conference program. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CATEGORY 2 Research-in-progress Papers Description The Research in Progress category is for work that will NOT be completed before the conference. Participants will give an overview of their research purpose and progress, not a paper presentation, as the category’s purpose is to allow for discussion and feedback on work in progress. Length 2.000 words Instructions Papers go through a double-blind review process that evaluates their significance, originality, contribution and clarity. Upon acceptance please make sure that at least one author registers to secure a slot for their presentation in the conference program. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CATEGORY 3 Doctoral Consortium Papers Description The Doctoral Consortium papers are extended abstracts, including references, describing your research and central aspects of your PhD work. Length 2.000 words Instructions Submitted papers will be go through a peer review process. When preparing your paper please include the context and motivation that drives your dissertation research, objectives/goals/questions of your research, keywords, hypothesis and thesis, and/or problem statement, research methods, results to date and their validity, as well as references from the literature. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CATEGORY 4 Innovation Papers Description These submissions describe Living Lab practices and experiences from e.g. innovation processes/projects, implementation of innovations, Living Lab management, as well as innovations supporting Living Lab practices. Our primary emphasis is on papers that advance the understanding of, and show how to deal with, practical issues related to Living Lab practices in real-world contexts Length 5.000 words Instructions Submitted papers will go through a peer review process. The Industry track is distinct from the Research Track in that submissions either discuss real-world experiences of Living Lab projects and/or practices or insights from innovations. Format for submitting all papers for Open Living Lab Days in Thessaloniki Follow the guidelines presented above according to your chosen paper category. All papers must be submitted in British English. Your paper must be submitted in .doc format (Word Document). Please make sure your paper is anonymous. Only include the author’s full name and affiliations on the cover page. Indicate if your submission has been previously published elsewhere. This is to ensure that we do not infringe upon another publisher’s copyright policy. Include a 1-paragraph abstract that provides the key messages you will be presenting in the paper Include 4-6 keywords relating to the theme or topics covered by the paper Provide a 2-3 paragraph conclusion that summarizes the article’s main points and leaves the reader with the most important messages References should be made according to APA-style and included at the end of the paper in alphabetical order. All papers must be submitted in English. Scientific Steering Committee Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by referees assigned by the Scientific Steering Committee for acceptance or rejection. The Scientific Steering Committee is chaired by: Professor Panagiotis Bamidis, Associate Professor in the Lab of Medical Physics, Medical School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, and Founder of the Active and Healthy Ageing Living Lab in Thessaloniki (ThessAHALL; http://www.aha-livinglabs.com/). Evaluators are chosen jointly by Chair of the Research Day Committee and ENoLL Director. Priority will be given to qualified ENoLL members. Papers submitted to OpenLivingLab Days 2019 will be evaluated on their appropriateness of theme for the conference, scientific quality, innovativeness and the final recommendation of the Scientific Steering Committee. Authors submitting a paper are also invited to review papers for the conference. What happens if your submission is accepted? Accepted contributions will be published in the Conference Proceedings of Open Living Lab Days 2019 with an ISBN number. Additionally, the ENoLL Scientific Steering Committee will assess the option of inviting best papers submitted to Open Living Lab Days 2019 for publication on a Special Issue in a peer-reviewed journal. By submitting your paper, you are hereby authorizing ENoLL to publish your paper in the Open Living Lab Days 2019 Conference Proceedings which will be part of the Research Day of Open Living Lab Days in Thessaloniki, Greece. Notification of acceptance will be sent on 31 May 2019. If your paper has been accepted, you should send the final version by 10 June 2019. Submission Please submit your final paper to info@enoll.org with “Paper Submission for OLLD19” as email subject by the DEADLINE of April 26th, 2019. Submissions will be managed via the easychair platform (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=olld2019). We thank you for your contribution and we are looking forward to meet you in Thessaloniki! |