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Dialogo-Conf 2020 : The Annual Virtual Conference on the Dialogue between Science and Theology


When Nov 3, 2020 - Nov 12, 2020
Submission Deadline Oct 1, 2020
Notification Due Oct 5, 2020
Final Version Due Oct 10, 2020
Categories    humanities   social sciences   religion   economy

Call For Papers

We have entitled this conference `The Melting Pot` - a concept borrowed from the area of cooking, more precisely the fondue technique, helping us understand that our contemporary society is, in fact, a huge crucible of the mixture of all previously separate and somehow independent civilizations, creating a rich mixture with hints of novelty despite the components old that it incorporates. We will focus in this conference on what `human society` means today, how the current generation makes its insignia, significant gestures, and values, with which the` traditional world` strives to survive the speed of kneading a new dough, but especially at what costs all these initiatives are supported and the fermentation of the production of a superior taste.
Now, more than ever, when the entire human society faces a global threat of a pandemic, it urges to reshape all its values, legal and moral rights, conduits and attitude, beliefs and statements, so that it can fight this outbreak as a species, without boundaries that came between people before. Starting from the keyword `reshaping`, We invite all researchers, teachers, and students to join on this global forum, where research, knowledge, and ideas can be efficiently presented and shared. The conference provides a smart virtual platform to share your research ideas with personal attendance but without traveling or expensive accommodation. Any paper that brings forward a new approach, a research report, or a case study, a decent-provocative supposition or a challenging hypothesis is more than welcome into DIALOGO Conference. You will have the pleasure to discuss your findings and ideas with fellow scholars from abroad and the opportunity to publish it into an international, indexed publication!

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