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IHC 2014 : XIII Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computer Systems


When Oct 27, 2014 - Oct 31, 2014
Where Foz do Iguaçu
Submission Deadline May 26, 2014
Notification Due Jun 27, 2014
Final Version Due Jul 28, 2014
Categories    full papers   short papers   posters and demonstrations   industrial reports

Call For Papers

The Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computer Systems (IHC) is the main scientific event in the Human-Computer Interaction area in Brasil. IHC promotes the exchange of ideas and information about research and studies that aim to contribute to the interaction between users and computing systems. The event is promoted by the Brazilian Computer Society (SociedadeBrasileira de Computação – SBC), via its Special Commission on HCI (CEIHC).

In 2014, the thirteenth edition of IHC will be held in Foz do Iguaçu, PR, from October 27th to 31st.Inspired by its host city (located in the triple Brazilian frontier), IHC 2014 has as its main theme "Frontiers of Interaction". The conference aims to foster the discussion of ideas and knowledge about diversity in HCI. That means, for example, stimulating reflections on the interdisciplinarity of our area and our community, as well as the relationship with other areas which share a frontier with HCI.
This theme also has to do with the challenges to broadening horizons so as to meet users diversity, respect differences and learn from them. Therefore, we will discuss new ways to interact that break traditional patterns we have been working with. It also has to do with encouraging intercultural interaction, thus reflecting about our own knowledge and our role towards the cultural diversity entailed by HCI.
Thus, considering your experience, we would like you to think about the focus of your speech, which will be delivered at the opening of the conference.

ACM SIGCHI format (
Authors must submit their papers electronically in PDF, in the EasyChair system

Reviewing process:
Each submission must be revised by at least three researchers in the area. In case of disagreements or inconsistencies, a senior meta-review process will be done to support the chairs final decision.

Full paper chairs:
• Carla Leitão (PUC-Rio)
• Cristiano Maciel (UFMT)
Coordenação Geral:
• ClodisBoscarioli (UNIOESTE)
• Sílvia Amélia Bim (UTFPR)


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