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IIEC 2014 : The First Irbid International Engineering Conferece


When Oct 14, 2014 - Oct 16, 2014
Where Irbid
Submission Deadline Jun 1, 2014
Notification Due Aug 1, 2014
Final Version Due Aug 15, 2014
Categories    engineering   nanotechnology   communications   energy

Call For Papers

As a part of its continuous efforts toward improving the services to its community in the northern governorates; Jordan Engineering Association / Irbid branch is organizing Irbid First International Engineering Conference (IIEC), entitled " The City: Technological Revolution and Challenges" in collaboration with Jordanian Universities, local society associations and businesses. The conference scheme will include a peer reviewed research papers that covers a broad range of scientific and technological fields and their impacts on the society.

Topics of Interest:
1. Renewable and Alternative Energy
2. Traffic and Transportation Planning
3. Communications and its Applications
4. Historical Architecture toward Technological Future
5. Water Resources and Environment
6. Nano Technology and Metallurgy

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