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IEEE MSC 2015 : IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control


When Sep 15, 2015 - Sep 18, 2015
Where Sydney, Australia
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    controls

Call For Papers

Themes and Topics

Papers representing high quality original research are invited in the following areas and in other areas related to Automatic Control:


Aerospace and automotive systems; Marine systems; Agricultural systems; Mining systems; Biomedical and chemical processes; Biological and pharmaceutical processes; Metal processing; Power systems; Process Control; Mechanical systems and robotics; Mechatronic systems; Telecommunications; Transportation systems; Mathematical modelling; System identification; Fault diagnosis; Fault tolerant control; Predictive and adaptive control; Discrete event systems; Hybrid systems; Robust control; Vehicular and traffic control; Integrated control and supervision; Fuzzy and neural control, Petri nets; Distributed intelligent networked systems; Control in Manufacturing and Production.


Autonomous systems; Architecture and software for intelligent control; Automation; Computational intelligence methods; Distributed-Information systems; Hybrid intelligent systems; Learning and adaptive systems; Multi-sensor integration and fusion; Networked systems and control; Reconfigurable systems; Soft computing and heuristics.


Complex Systems; Computational Methods; Control Education; Delay Systems; Decentralized Control; Control Design Methodologies; Estimation and Filtering; Linear Systems; Multivariable Control; Multi-agent Systems; Network Control Systems; Nonlinear Systems; Optimization in Control and Optimal Control; Quantum Control; Signal Processing; Stochastic Systems and Stochastic Optimal Control; Uncertain Systems.

Author Information

All conference submissions must be done through PaperPlaza and submitted by April 15, 2015. There will be no extensions to the April 15 due date. Authors of accepted papers are expected to attend the MSC and present their work.

Contributed Papers

A contributed paper is intended to be a complete description of finished work. Please be aware of the following guidelines:

Each Regular Registration allows for up to three, six page, papers to be uploaded without additional charge. Up to two extra pages are allowed for a charge of AU$220 each.
Each reduced rate student or retiree registration allows for one, six page, paper to be uploaded without additional charge. Up to two extra pages are allowed for a charge of AU$220 each.
Any additional accepted papers may be uploaded at a rate of $AU385 per paper of six pages. Up to two extra pages are allowed for a charge of AU$220 each.
Invited Sessions

Invited session proposals should present a unified theme from diverse viewpoints. Each proposal should consist of a summary statement and six regular papers (not abstracts). The organizer notifies Contributing Authors (CAs) of their invited session code. The corresponding author of each paper submits the paper online (pdf format) as an invited paper. Submission as an invited paper requires the invited session code. An alternative model for an invited session is to start the session with a Tutorial Paper, followed by 4 regular papers. Each tutorial paper is allowed up to 12 pages in the proceedings and 40 minutes for presentation.

Support for Authors

Author's Kits with style (.cls) files for LaTeX and templates (.dot) for MS-Word are available from the conference submission site. Go to the the PaperPlaza website and select "Support" for these files and example files, or directly go to support page.

MSC 2015 Submission and Registration Policies

All papers submitted to MSC2015, whether for review or publication upon acceptance, must be written in English and formatted in the standard 2-column format provided on PaperPlaza.
All papers must be submitted electronically through PaperPlaza. Only PDF files will be accepted.
For initial submissions, all regular and invited papers are limited to eight (8) pages - tutorial papers are limited to 12 pages. PaperPlaza will not permit longer papers to be uploaded.
For final upload and publication in the conference proceedings, all accepted and invited papers are limited to six (6) pages at no extra charge - tutorial papers are limited to 12 pages. Authors may upload up to two (2) extra pages at AU$220 per page.
At least one of the authors listed on the paper must register for IEEE MSC2015 at the full member/non-member rate to upload the final manuscript. A maximum of 3 papers can be uploaded with a single full registration. Additional uploads on the same registration will require a payment of AU$385 per paper.
Please note: If an author registers at a reduced registration rate (student/retiree), s/he will only be able to upload one paper.
Please consider submitting your paper early and ensuring your paper satisfies the PDF check. Revised versions of papers can be resubmitted up until the deadline. No extensions of the deadline are foreseen.

Related Resources

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