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IoTSC 2014 : Internet of Things and Smart Cities Ph.D. School 2014


When Sep 8, 2014 - Sep 13, 2014
Where Lerici, Italy
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    IOT   smart cities   internet of things   networking

Call For Papers

Following the great success of the 2013 edition of the Ph.D. School on Internet of Things and Smart Cities ( held in Lerici, the University of Parma (under the coordination of the WASN Lab group is glad to announce the 2014 Internet of Things and Smart Cities Ph.D. School !

The school will be held in the wonderful castle of Lerici from Mon. Sep. 8th to Sat. Sep.13th. The official website ( provides all the information about the program and the speakers and the registration phase for students is officially opened !

This year's edition will focus on three keywords each tailoring a dedicated day in the technical program of the school.

CONNECT "Connecting smart objects": provide an extensive overview of low-power communication technologies, with performance comparison which can be used to make choices for different application scenarios.

COLLECT "Creating and transmitting data": analyze different communication paradigms (REST, Publish/Subscribe, etc…) application-layer protocols targeting IoT, such as CoAP, MQTT, and other options.

CONSUME "Understanding and working with data": provide theoretical and practical concepts for storing, fetching, and analyzing data collected by IoT applications, with focus on Big Data analysis and Cloud for IoT.

The school will include "hands-on" sessions that students will attend in order to develop individual/group projects to put in practice what they learn and to actually build their own IoT application. Along with the technical program, a 1-day Business event will be included in the school's program, in order to provide insights from industry and business, extend the vision of IoT and Smart Cities with concrete experiences, and give participants an opportunity to create new connections which might be an added value for their careers and activities. A dedicated discussion panel will focus on the interaction and the collaboration between academia and industry in order to depict the future vision of Smart Cities and IoT.

Full School Attendee will follow all the six days of the event and will be eligible if interested in gaining credits. (The school will involve a total of 40 hours plus an additional individual activity at the end of the school in order to gain credits) Student Registration fee is EUR 300 and covers:
- Attendance at all sessions (Ph.D School + Business Day)
- Lunches (3) at the school venue for the opening day (Sep. 8th), the Business track (Sep. 12th) and the Student Projects day (Sep. 13th)
- Coffee breaks
- Social dinner
- Participation gadget kit

You can refer to:
- Official Website:
- Twitter Account:
- Facebook Page:
- Google+ Community:

Fell free to contact us for any further information.

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