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QoMEX Special Sessions 2018 : 10th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience - Call for special sessions


When May 29, 2018 - May 31, 2018
Where Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
Submission Deadline Nov 15, 2017
Categories    multimedia   qoe   user experience

Call For Papers

Call for Special Sessions

10th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2018)


29-31 May, 2018, Sardinia, Italy,


The 10th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2018) will be held from May 29 to May 31, 2018 in Sardinia, Italy. It will bring together leading experts from academia and industry to present and discuss current and future research on multimedia quality, quality of experience (QoE) and user experience. The conference will include invited talks, oral and poster presentations, panels for interactive discussions, special sessions, and a workshop on QoE-management.

Special session proposals are solicited in the conference topics. Topics include, but are not limited to:

. Multimodal perception & quality: Modality relevance, underlying quality features and dimensions, multimodal integration, temporal aspects of QoE, Immersive technologies: High-resolution audio and video (incl. UHD, 4/8k and beyond, HDR, HFR, WCG, etc.), 3D audio and video, 360° video, Virtual/Mixed/Augmented Reality, immersive games, Light Field Displays, plenoptic imaging, multi-sensorial media
. Probing the user: Physiological assessment methods and applications, behavioral assessment, QoE and task performance, contextual information analysis, crowdsourcing, field-tests
. QoE fundamentals: Theory and definitions, test methods, statistical methods, experimental validity, qualitative research methods, sensory evaluation, taxonomies and ontologies
. QoE and UX: Relationship between QoE and UX, use of UX evaluation methods for QoE research, user behavior modelling
. Interactive media and synchronization: Audio- and videoconferencing, tele-meetings, interactive gaming, networked VR and AR
. QoE and content creation: Storytelling, artistic intent, reference contents, user-internal references
. Aesthetics: Image-/video- and audio-content analysis, aesthetic appeal test methods, image and media platforms, contextual aspects (expertise in creation and perception, peer-group implications, etc.)
. Communities, social media and demographics: Social TV, joint media consumption, QoE in communities, geographic and demographic implications for media consumption and QoE
. Model development & validation: Feature selection, model development techniques (e.g., regression, machine learning), validation techniques
. QoE data analytics: Large QoE-related databases, data collection tools and techniques, machine learning, large-data analysis tools, implications for service and network management, visualization, statistical analyses
. KPI and KQI definition: new indicators to support optimization in emerging environments and applications; new reference network architectures
. Annotated multimedia databases for QoE research: Sources, data and media formats, QoE-related metadata, sharing platforms, automatic collection
. Shared data sets and platforms: Creation of new data sets, sharing of test tools, making available open platforms.

Submission Procedure
Special session proposals should be sent to the special session chairs Maria Martini ( and Maurizio Murroni ( The proposal should provide the following information: title, motivation and objectives, topics of interest, confirmed paper submissions (title, authors and abstract), organiser's contact information and short biography.

Proposals will be evaluated based on topic novelty and associated impact, organizing committee qualifications, as well as the proposed list of contributed papers. Special Session submissions are reviewed via the same process as submissions to the regular program and papers are expected to meet the same quality standards.

Special Session Chairs
Maria Martini, Kingston University London, UK
Maurizio Murroni, University of Cagliari, IT

Important dates
Special session submission deadline: November 15, 2017
Notification of acceptance of Special Sessions: December 1, 2017
Paper registration (title, abstract, and author list): January 15, 2018
Paper submission: January 22, 2018

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