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Submission Deadline Jun 5, 2014
Categories    literature   ciberspace   theory   digital medias

Call For Papers

It’s no novelty that technologies have increasingly involved us in their cybernetic plots and infected the world of the arts in ways never observed before. Literature, in turn, couldn’t help being infected by devices and features from digital media. Yet, one interesting thing about such contagion between narrative and digital media is the fact that it has been approaching authors and readers besides providing us insights of a world crisscrossed not only by technological but also human practices. They are two sides of the same coin: 1. our perceptions on time, memory and narrativity have changed due to such uninterrupted contagion between these two "possible worlds"; 2. on the other hand we may consider it all just as theoretical oppositions that diverge and / or converge towards a discussion about something – we cannot say exactly what, though! – that has changed.

For the Thematic Dossier in the next issue of Texto Digital we expect submissions addressing such view about the literary text’s narrativity and its intersectional possibilities, e.g. narrativity and digital media: the digital narrative; the narrative aspects of games; the influences of digital media on literary narrative; virtual narrativity, temporality and ways to perceive the world; narrative, digital media and memory, and other possible related issues.

Besides the Thematic Dossier the journal will be accepting submissions for the following sections: Papers, Interviews, and Book Reviews once their contents are in accordance with its focus and scope.

Online submissions and further information at
Deadline for submissions for the next issue: July 5th 2014


The editors.

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