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HI-KDD 2014 : ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Healthcare Informatics 2014 (HI-KDD 2014)


When Aug 24, 2014 - Aug 24, 2014
Where New York City
Submission Deadline May 23, 2014
Notification Due Jun 20, 2014
Final Version Due Jun 27, 2014
Categories    healthcare informatics   data mining   kowledge discovery

Call For Papers

Call for Papers

ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Healthcare Informatics (HI-KDD 2014)
August 24, 2014
New York City, NY

Despite the substantial percentage of GDP spent on healthcare per year, preventable medical errors are still inevitable due to fragmentation of medical information. The nascent field of health informatics is beginning to collaborate with transdisciplinary teams to address some of these issues and provide solutions for effective healthcare and wellness in both academe and industry. Informatics based solutions have not only changed the way in which information is collected and stored but also played a crucial role in the management and delivery of healthcare. We are envisioning a transformation from reactive care to proactive and preventive care, clinic-centric to patient-centered practice, training-based interventions to globally aggregated evidence, and episodic response to continuous well-being monitoring and maintenance.

This workshop is organized to develop a platform for authors to discuss fundamental principles, algorithms or applications of intelligent data acquisition, processing and analysis of healthcare data. We are particularly interested in knowledge discovery and data mining papers, in which the approaches are accompanied by an in-depth experimental evaluation with real world data. Topics of interest include but not limited to:
Healthcare knowledge abstraction, classification and summarization
Effective Information retrieval for healthcare applications
Semantic Web, linked data, ontology, and healthcare
Text mining for biomedical literature and clinical notes
Natural language processing and text mining for biomedical literature, clinical notes, and health consumer texts
Computational support for patient-centered and evidence-based care
Disease profiling and personalized treatment
Virtual patient modeling for learning, practicing and demonstrating care practices
Medical recommender systems
Consumer and clinician health information needs, seeking, sharing, and use
Data augmentation and combination for evidence-based clinical decision making
Biomarker discovery and biomedical data mining
Mental and physical health data integration
Continuous monitoring and streaming technologies for healthcare
Intelligent medical devices and sensors
Localized data for improving emergency care
Computer-aided diagnosis
Computer support for surgical intervention
Pharmaco- and pharmacy informatics systems
Systems for Telemedicine
Visual analytics for healthcare
Healthcare workflow management
Global spread of disease: models, tools and interventions
E-communities, social networks, and social media for patients and caregivers
Virtual and augmented reality for healthcare

Manuscripts should be in English and must not exceed 8 pages using the standard ACM format found at in PDF format. For submission please go to

All submitted papers will be refereed for quality and originality by the Program Committee. Papers, accepted for presentation at the workshop will be published at the workshop website.

Submission of papers: May 23, 2014
Author notification: June 20, 2014
Submission of camera-ready papers: June 27, 2014
Workshop date: August 24, 2014

Christopher C. Yang, Drexel University (
Shipeng Yu, Siemens Healthcare USA
Jiming Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University
Suchi Saria, Johns Hopkins University
Jimeng Sun, Georgia Institute of Technology
Jyodeep Ghosh, University of Texas at Austin

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