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Linked Open Data 2014 : Improving SME Competitiveness and Generating New Value


When Sep 2, 2014 - Sep 2, 2014
Where Leipzig, Germany
Submission Deadline Jul 15, 2014
Notification Due Jul 20, 2014
Categories    linked data   data   semantic web   analytics

Call For Papers

in conjunction with SEMANTiCS 2014
Although the availability of openly accessible public data has dramatically increasing and the technology and infrastructure are being developed at a fast pace, the issue of positioning SMEs in the conditions of adequately leverage Linked Open Data (LOD) to improve their competitiveness is still far from being solved.

Affordability of costs and efforts for converting and renovating Public Sector Information (PSI) is still a challenge, and therefore SMEs, that are the backbone of the European economy, are lagging behind the exploitation of the full potential of LOD.

The LinDA project, co-funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme, aims at supporting SMEs efforts to effectively adopt LOD in their pursuit of competitiveness by providing a complete set of tools for publication, consumption and visualization of linked data that can be used with the limited technical resources of a small organization.

The proposed workshop’s objective is to provide some of the key stakeholders in the field – namely SMEs, researchers, developers, and public sector decision makers – a chance to share their views on how European SMEs can sustainably leverage LOD for creating new opportunities for growth and enhanced competitiveness, collaborate with each other and exchange experiences from the domain.


TOPICS COVERED (but not limited to)
Linked Data for SMEs
Managing the Data Life cycle in the SME environments
Analytics for Improving Business Knowledge using Linked Data
Transforming Data to Open and Linked formats
Business Collaboration through Data Sharing and Alignment

Papers must be in English, describe original work addressing one of the topics listed above and their length should be between 3-5 pages. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed. Authors should submit their contributions by email to the Workshop Chairs ( , )

15 July 2014 Deadline for Short Paper Submission
20 July 2014 Notification of acceptance
14 August 2014 Camera-ready versions
2nd September 2014 Workshop

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