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CAIMS 2014 : The First International Workshop on Cloud Automation, Intelligent Management and Scalability


When Dec 8, 2014 - Dec 11, 2014
Where London, U.K.
Submission Deadline Aug 20, 2014
Notification Due Sep 14, 2014
Final Version Due Sep 26, 2014
Categories    artificial intelligence   cloud computing   autonomic computing   distributed systems

Call For Papers

Call for papers

The workshop is to be co-located with the 7th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2014) held in London, UK, December 8th – 11th 2014.

Main Objectives: The emergence of infrastructure as a service (IaaS) cloud computing environments which allow the dynamic scaling of resources provides us with new ways of harnessing computing resources. As both the number and types of IaaS offerings increase it is becoming increasingly difficult to select the right type, to use them efficiently and to ensure that the computing resources fit the demands of large-scale applications with dynamic levels of load. This workshop intends to bring interested researchers from around the world to explore the challenges and opportunities that exist in deploying intelligent systems to manage and dynamically auto-scale and adjust infrastructures to meet the needs of modern applications.

Paper Submissions Due: 20th August, 2014

Notification of Acceptance: 14th September, 2014

Camera Ready Papers Due: 26th September, 2014

Submissions will be accepted through EasyChair and will be evaluated by a minimum of two PC members for technical quality and relevance to the themes of the workshop. Manuscripts may not exceed six pages including figures, tables and references using the IEEE format for conference proceedings. Submitted papers must represent original unpublished research. Papers not following these guidelines will be rejected without review. The proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society, USA, and will be made available online through the IEEE Digital Library. At least one author of each accepted submission must attend the workshop and all workshop participants must pay the UCC 2014 workshop registration fee as well as the conference fee.


Scope: Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

- Intelligent management and auto-scaling of cloud applications
- Intelligent systems for the provisioning and monitoring of cloud resources
- Green computing via the intelligent management of virtual machine numbers and types
- The prediction and management of demand in cloud environments
- Mechanisms for pooling spare virtual machines and sharing them between providers
- Budget-aware cloud computing
- Economic models for selecting the best cloud resource type for a given application
- Dynamic pricing mechanisms for dynamic cloud resources
- Automation of cloud management tasks
- Cloud-based intelligent system applications.

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