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IEEE ANTS Demo/Poster/Exhibition Session 2014 : Call for DEMOS, POSTERS and EXHIBITIONS in IEEE ANTS 2014, New Delhi, INDIA


When Dec 14, 2014 - Dec 17, 2014
Where New Delhi
Submission Deadline Sep 15, 2014
Notification Due Oct 15, 2014
Final Version Due Oct 31, 2014
Categories    networking   communication   wired   wireless

Call For Papers




IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems
New Delhi, INDIA
14-17 December 2014

Submission Due Date: 15 Sept 2014



IEEE ANTS 2014 will include Demonstration and Poster sessions that shall provide a forum to present and discuss: works in progress, industry demonstrations of new applications and techniques, practical implementations, industrial and commercial developments, research testbeds and demonstrations, recent research/implementation results, upcoming research challenges, future directions, and novel approaches in the fields of Advance Networking and Communication related to Wireline and Wireless Connectivity. One of the key goals of this conference is to foster collaboration between industry and academia. Hence, participation of researchers/developers from industry and posters/demonstrations reporting
joint work between industry and academia are especially encouraged.

DEMONSTRATION submissions will be on the basis of short paper/extended abstract of three pages describing a work-in-progress prototype system, up-to-the-minute innovations and developments, summarize state-of-the-art, ready-to-use products and innovative advance technology as well as the merits of the proposed ideas. Demonstrations should have a research component. They should also include the space requirements and/or any other equipment-specific requirements. Proposals will be evaluated mainly based on their potential to stimulate interesting discussions, exchange of ideas and promote collaborations. Authors are encouraged to provide a short video illustrating the running demo.

If the submitted demo paper is accepted, a live demonstration will be arranged during the assigned session.

The demo session will have a table per demo, power and wireless connectivity available. If a demonstration requires special arrangements, please note them in a separate email to the session chair parallel to submission.

POSTER submissions will be on the basis of short paper/extended abstract of three pages describing the main contributions and the merits of proposed ideas as well as reporting initial results and the challenges towards a full-fledged solution of the problem under consideration. Posters should provide enough concrete evidence to support the potential and validity of the proposed ideas. Abstracts will be evaluated mainly based on their potential to stimulate interesting discussions, exchange of ideas and promote collaborations.


Authors are invited to submit demo papers (two-column format, 3 pages max + short video of the demo). Topics of interest (but notlimited to) are from the principal areas mentioned in the ANTS 2014 call for papers ( Submissions for posters should not be more than three pages (strictly based on IEEE conference 2-column template) in length. The documents must contain the authors' names, affiliations, and contact information and the designated corresponding author. Accepted authors of posters/demos will have a space in the poster/demo session room to display their posters or exhibit their demos, as well as to describe their work in discussions with interested attendees.

Finally, the abstract of the accepted posters/demos will appear in CD Proceedings/IEEE Xplore. Under the IEEE Communications Society policy that all accepted IEEE ANTS 2014 posters/demos require at least a one-day registration. For authors co-authoring multiple posters/demos, a one day registration is valid for up to two presentations.

Both Demo and Poster proposals must be submitted electronically via the EDAS Link given below

REGISTRATION REQUIREMENT: At least one Demo/Poster author must be registered and attend the conference.


Anand Srivastava
IIT Mandi, India

M. Bala Krishna
GGS Indraprastha University, New Delhi, India


Demo/Poster Submission Due Date: Sept 15, 2014

Notification of acceptance: October 15, 2014

Final Camera-Ready & Author Registration: October 31, 2014

Early-bird Registration Ends: Nov. 15, 2014

Conference dates: December 14 - 17, 2014


For IEEE ANTS 2014 the DEMOS, POSTERS and EXHIBITION Submission Due Date: 15 Sept 2014

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