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LM 2014 : Living Machines: The 3nd International Conference on Biomimetic Robotics and Biohybrid Systems.


When Jul 29, 2014 - Aug 1, 2014
Where Milan
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    neuroscience   robotics   biotechnology

Call For Papers

Call for Participation in Conference, Demos and Workshops

Living Machines: The 3nd International Conference on Biomimetic Robotics and Biohybrid Systems.
A Convergent Science Network Event

29th July to 1st August 2014

Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia, Leonardo Da Vinci Milano


News & Highlights

* Deadline for early registration, June 30th, 2014.

* Book on time accommodation for good value and availability. see LM2014 for suggestions

* Main conference programme now online, 6 plenary talks, 1 invited talk, 18 single-track oral presentations, 10 poster spotlights, 40 posters.

* 4 satellite workshops also available for registration as separate events, topics include autonomous locomotion systems, the robots self, emergent social behavior, biomimetics in design.

* Bring a demo, be it a robot or an installation, for an exhibition on biomimetic robots, biohybrid computer art, live robot performance or videos.

* If you wish to bring a demo please contact us.

* If you need help with transporting your demo to Milano contact us at

* You can book the social dinner as a separate event.

Contact for all enquiries.


The 3rd International Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid systems comprises 4 days of events including 3 days of single-track oral presentations with 6 plenary speakers; a 1-day with five satellite workshops on themes ranging from autonomous robots to robot “selves” to biomimetics in design and social impacts of living machines.

In addition, on Wednesday there will be a reception offered by the Tailor & Francis group and, on Thursday there will be the LM2014 banquet.
We hope you will join us for this exciting programme!

The conference registration site is open. Please register soon to take advantage of early registration—deadline June 30th

***From every accepted paper at least 1 author must be registered and present at the Conference***


**Program now available online**

The main conference will take the form of a single-track oral presentation programme, 30th will include 6 plenary lectures from leading international researchers in biomimetic and biohybrid systems. Agreed speakers are:

Mandyam Srinivasan Queensland Brain Institute, Australia
Insect-inspired cognition and vision

Andrew Schwartz University of Minnesota, Pittsburgh, USA
Neural control of prosthetics

Sarah Bergbreiter  University of Maryland, USA

Darwin Caldwell Italian Institute of Technology, Genova, Italy
Legged Locomotion

Ricard Sole Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
Evolution of complex networks

Minoru Asada Osaka University, Japan
Cognitive and Affective Developmental Robotics

There will also be 18 regular talks of 30 min, 1 invited talk on Thursday at midday on Biomimetics in Design by Franco Lodato, 10 Poster Spotlights of 5 min and 2 poster sessions of 11/2 h (midday of July 30st and August 1st) featuring 40 posters. Particular themes include:

Soft Robotics
Social Robotics
Active Sensing


In addition to the main conference there is one further day of workshops, each with their own full program that will be available soon on the Living Machines website.

Monday 29th July

Embodied Interaction and Internal Models: Key Features of Autonomous Locomotion Systems
- Organisers: Volker Dürr, Biological Cybernetics, Bielefeld University, Germany, Paolo Arena, Electrical Engineering, University of Catania, Italy

The Robot Self
- Organizers: Tony Prescott, University of Sheffield, UK; Paul Verschure Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, CSNII

Emergent social behaviours in bio-hybrid systems
- Organizers: JoséHalloy: Universite Paris Diderot.  Thomas Schmickl: Karl-Franzens-University Graz, Stuart Wilson, University of Sheffield

Rotational Geometry and the Creation of Bionic Models.
- Organizers: Pino Trogu, San Francisco State University, USA, Franco Lodato, Creative Director VSN Mobil with Istituto Europeo di Design, Milano

Neuro-chip interfaces and Neuroprostheses
- Organizers: Stefano Vassanelli, University of Padova, Italy

Attendance at workshops will attract a small fee intended to cover the costs of the meeting.  We have reserved meeting rooms at the Italian Institute of Technology in Milan each with capacity for up to 40 people. Please book early. Separate registration for satellite events is possible.


The organisers are delighted to have secured the Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia, Leonardo Da Vinci Milano as the main venue for our conference. The museum is a centre dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci a symbol of the connection between artistic and scientific-technological cultures, two complementary expressions of human creativity.


June 30st 2014 Deadline for early registration
July 30th - August 1st 2014 Conference

We are looking forwards to seeing you in Milano.

Organising Committee:
Tony Prescott (co-chair)
Paul Verschure (co-chair)
Armin Duff (programme chair)
Roberto Cingolani (local organizer)
Barbara Mazzolai (workshops)
Nathan Lepora (communication)
Anna Mura (communication and web-site)

Contact and Conference Secretariat:

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