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SucroSym 2017 : International Symposium on Sugarcane Research Since Co 205: 100 Years and Beyond


When Sep 18, 2017 - Sep 21, 2017
Where Hotel Le Meridien, Coimbatore, India
Submission Deadline Jul 31, 2017
Categories    agriculture   sugarcane   breeding   india

Call For Papers

ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute (ICAR-SBI), Coimbatore, India, established in 1912 , released Co 205, the first interspecific (Saccharum officinarum x S. spontaneum) commercial hybrid cane variety in 1918, which revolutionized sugarcane cultivation in the Indian sub continent. To commemorate the 100 year of release of Co 205, an International Symposium (SucroSym 2017) is being organized in Hotel Le Meridien, Coimbatore, India during 18-21 September 2017, with the following themes.

1. Sugarcane genetic resources and pre-breeding for enriching gene pool
2. Breeding strategies: past, present and future
3. Biotechnology, nanotechnology and bioinformatics for transformational research
4. Genetic engineering and gene discovery
5. Recent trends in sugarcane pest and disease management
6. Climate change and climate resilient technologies
7. Sugarcane for non-conventional purposes
8. Mechanization of sugarcane production system and cane machinery
9. Crop management technologies for maximizing productivity
10. Innovations in knowledge management, digital inclusion and economic impact analysis
11. 'Cane to sugar' - technological advancement in process engineering
12. Doubling farmers' income

Researchers are requested to submit the extended summary (up to 1500 words) of research work under the theme areas listed to the e-mail ID on or before 31 July, 2017.

Early bird registration (till 31 July, 2017) Indian delegates: Rs.6,000/-Foreign delegates: $250
Spot registration: Indian delegates: Rs.7,000/-Foreign delegates: $300
Students: Rs.3000/-
Accompanying persons: Indian delegates: Rs.4,500/-Foreign delegates: $200


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