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CCCiC GROUP 2014 : ACM GROUP 2014 Workshop on Collaboration and Coordination in the Context of Informal Care (CCCiC)


When Nov 9, 2014 - Nov 9, 2014
Where Sanibel Island, Florida (USA)
Submission Deadline Aug 15, 2014
Notification Due Sep 26, 2014
Final Version Due Oct 17, 2014
Categories    collaboration   healthcare   CSCW   HCI

Call For Papers


ACM GROUP 2014 Workshop on Collaboration and Coordination in the Context of Informal Care (CCCiC GROUP 2014)
November 9, 2014, Sanibel Island, Florida (USA)

************ IMPORTANT DATES ************
* Submission deadline: August 15, 2014
* Notification of acceptance: September 26, 2014
* Camera ready: October 17, 2014
* Workshop day: November 9, 2014

Workshop themes
CCCiC is an International Workshop Series addressing issues of design and development of systems to support coordination, communication, and collaboration between informal caregivers, their friends, family members, and health professionals. The first chapter of the series took place at CSCW 2014 in Baltimore and the next edition of the workshop will be held at 2014 ACM Conference on Supporting Groupwork (GROUP 2014) and seeks contributions on:

* Conceptual frameworks that describe the coordinative nature of informal care.
* Integrated platforms that serve all relevant aspects of caregivers’ needs in form of adequate integration of products and services.
* Computer supported learning for informal caregivers.
* Accessible (mobile, tactile) ICT applications that might automate many tasks of general caregiving.
* Social interactive TV, also concerned with the design of innovative input devices.
* Social media for social support, such as online communities with special focus on social support for informal caregivers.
* Knowledge sharing among informal caregivers.
* Interoperability and interfaces among systems in use.
* Architectures of ICT supporting caring processes.
* Scalability and security of such systems.

Contributions are welcomed on the following themes, but not limited to:

* Design and development of technologies to support coordination, communication, and collaboration between informal caregivers, their friends, family members, and health professionals.
* User-centered and participatory design in the context of informal care
* Sustainable technology development.
* Usage studies of current technological solutions for informal caregivers.
* Ethnographic studies and associated challenges (e.g., getting access to the field, collecting and analyzing data, etc.)
* Cross-cultural studies.
* Ethical issues.
* Conceptual work aiming at describing informal care.

We particularly encourage submissions of position papers reporting on research studies currently in the analysis of informal care or in the design and prototyping phases of the development of interactive systems for informal care as well as of demos of existing systems or of video prototypes of innovative technological concepts for it.

Interdisciplinary participation from designers, developers, sociologists, psychologists, ethnographers, etc. is appreciated. In this way, the workshop will provide an important opportunity for researchers from both academia and industry to share ideas and possibly coordinate their efforts.

Submission format
Position paper
Participants interested in contributing with a position paper have to send in a submission (max. 3000 words) containing a brief overview over the key ideas of the presentation and some information on their occupational background.

Participants interested in contributing with a position paper have to send in a submission (max. 3000 words) containing a brief overview over the key ideas of the presentation and some information on their occupational background.

Submissions must adhere to the ACM Extended Abstract Format:

Submission process
Papers must be submitted through the EasyChair conference system:

Review process
Contributions will be peer-reviewed by members of a Program Committee soon to be announced and selected on the basis of their quality, compliance with the workshop theme, and the extent (and diversity) of their backgrounds in terms of fieldwork, design, and technology.

Position papers and demos abstracts accepted and presented in the workshop will be published in the workshop proceedings, which will be edited by the workshop organizers. The proceedings will include the final versions of all accepted contributions, adjusted to satisfy reviewers’ recommendations. It will be issued under an ISBN number by Vienna University of Technology on paper and made available for online consultation.

Hilda Tellioglu, Vienna University of Technology
Myriam Lewkowicz, Troyes University of Technology
Aparecido Fabiano Pinatti De Carvalho, Vienna University of Technology
Susanne Schinkinger, Vienna University of Technology
Matthieu Tixier, Troyes University of Technology


More information can be found at

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