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WRLA 2010 : 8th International Workshop on Rewriting Logic and its Applications


Conference Series : Workshop on Rewriting Logic and Its Applications
When Mar 20, 2010 - Mar 21, 2010
Where Paphos, Cyprus
Submission Deadline Dec 5, 2009
Notification Due Jan 15, 2010
Categories    formal methods   verification   computer science   rewriting

Call For Papers

8th International Workshop on
Rewriting Logic and its Applications

W R L A 2010

Paphos, Cyprus, March 20-21, 2010

The workshop will be held in conjunction with
ETAPS 2010
12th European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software
March 20 - 28, 2010

*** Proceedings to be published as a Springer LNCS volume ***

*** Special issue of The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming ***


December 15, 2009 Deadline for submission
January 15, 2010 Notification of acceptance
Early February, 2010 Final version in electronic form
March 20-21, 2010 Workshop in Paphos


Rewriting logic (RL) is a natural model of computation and an
expressive semantic framework for concurrency, parallelism,
communication and interaction. It can be used for specifying a wide
range of systems and languages in various application fields. It also
has good properties as a metalogical framework for representing
logics. In recent years, several languages based on RL (ASF+SDF,
CafeOBJ, ELAN, Maude) have been designed and implemented. The aim of
the workshop is to bring together researchers with a common interest
in RL and its applications, and to give them the opportunity to
present their recent works, discuss future research directions, and
exchange ideas.

The topics of the workshop comprise, but are not limited to:
- foundations and models of RL;
- languages based on RL, including implementation issues;
- RL as a logical framework;
- RL as a semantic framework, including applications of RL to
object-oriented systems, concurrent and/or parallel systems,
interactive, distributed, open ended and mobile systems,
specification of languages and systems;
- use of RL to provide rigorous support for model-based software
- formalisms related to RL, including real-time and probabilistic
extensions of RL, tile logic, rewriting approaches to behavioral
- verification techniques for RL specifications, including equational
and coherence methods, and verification of properties expressed in
first-order, higher-order, modal and temporal logics;
- comparisons of RL with existing formalisms having analogous aims;
- application of RL to specification and analysis of distributed
systems, physical systems.

PROGRAM COMMITTEE (to be completed)

Artur Boronat University of Leicester
Mark van den Brand Technical University of Eindhoven
Roberto Bruni Universita di Pisa
Manuel Clavel IMDEA Software and Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Francisco Duran Universidad de Malaga
Steven Eker SRI International, Menlo Park
Santigo Escobar Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
Kokichi Futatsugi JAIST, Tatsunokuchi
Claude Kirchner INRIA Research Center Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest
Alexander Knapp Universität Augsburg
Dorel Lucanu Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi
Salvador Lucas Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
Narciso Marti-Oliet Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Ugo Montanari Universita di Pisa
Pierre-Etienne Moreau INRIA Lorraine & LORIA, Nancy and Ecoles des Mines, Nancy
Thomas Noll RWTH Aachen
Peter Olveczky (chair) University of Oslo
Grigore Rosu University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Mark-Oliver Stehr SRI International, Menlo Park
Carolyn Talcott SRI International, Menlo Park
Eelco Visser Delft University of Technology


The proceedings will be published in Springer's Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS) series.

Papers must contain original contributions, be clearly written,
and include appropriate reference to and comparison with related work.
They must be unpublished and not submitted simultaneously for
publication elsewhere. Papers should not exceed 15 pages,
should be formatted according to the guidelines for Springer LNCS papers
and should be submitted electronically using Easychair:

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions
of their papers for publication in a special issue of The Journal
of Logic and Algebraic Programming.


There will also be a rewrite engine competition at WRLA'10.
If you are a rewrite engine developer, you are welcome to participate.
A paper will be published in the proceedings, with all the tool
participants as authors, where the preoblems and the results of
the competition will be discussed. Feel free to contact the WRLA'10
rewrite engine competition organizer, Francisco Duran,
for questions or further clarifications.


For more information, please contact the organizers
or visit the workshop web page

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