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CSD 2014 : Context in Software Development Workshop 2014


When Nov 21, 2014 - Nov 21, 2014
Where Hong Kong
Submission Deadline Jul 18, 2014
Notification Due Aug 15, 2014
Final Version Due Aug 29, 2014
Categories    software engineering   context

Call For Papers

1st International Workshop on Context in Software Development


Workshop Co-located with the 22nd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE 2014)

Hong Kong, November 21st, 2014

The goal of this one-day workshop is to bring together researchers interested in techniques and tools that leverage context information around development activities. Developers continuously make use of context to make decisions, coordinate their work, understand the purpose behind their tasks, and understand how their tasks fit with the rest of the project. However, there is little research on defining what context is, how we can model it, and how we can use those models to better support software development at large. This workshop brings together scholars interested in identifying, gathering and modelling context information in software development, as well as discussing its applications.


Papers may address issues along the broad topics, including but not limited to the following:

Types of context in software development
Modeling context in software development
Application of context in software development
Using context to support implicit or explicit coordination
Context in requirements engineering
Context in testing and maintenance
Context in collaborative activities such as bug triaging
Context in development processes, e.g. agile processes


We invite two kinds of submissions: 5-page long papers and 2-page short papers. A selection of papers will be presented at the workshop.

At the time of submission all papers must conform to the FSE 2014 Format and Submission Guidelines. All submissions must be in English and in PDF format. Submissions that do not comply with the above instructions will be desk rejected without review. Each submission will be reviewed by at least two members of the Program Committee. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of originality, importance of contribution, soundness, evaluation, quality of presentation and appropriate comparison to related work. The program committee as a whole will make final decisions about which submissions to accept for presentation at the workshop. For accepted papers, at least one author should participate at the workshop and register for the workshop at FSE'14 conference.

Submissions link:

Papers are intended as positions for discussion and not for archival publication, so they will not appear in the ACM Digital Library. Extended versions of the best papers will be invited for publication in a special issue of Journal of Systems and Software.

*****Important Dates*****

Paper Submission: 18 July 2014
Notifications: 15 August 2014
Camera Ready Deadline: 29 August 2014
Workshop: 21 November 2014


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