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Humans and Machines AAAI 2014 : AAAI Fall Symposium-The Nature of Humans and Machines: A Multidisciplinary Discourse


When May 21, 2014 - Jul 21, 2014
Where Virginia, USA
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    artificial intelligence   user interfaces   robotics   law

Call For Papers

AAAI Fall Symposium 2014
The Nature of Humans and Machines: A Multidisciplinary Discourse

Recent advances in artificial intelligence – such as enhancing human capabilities, introducing technological products that replace the need for some human activities, and enabling machines to exhibit characteristics of human intelligent behavior – are challenging traditional definitions of what it means to be human. This symposium will comprise in-depth research-based treatments of the relevant areas of AI and will also address speculative aspects and have the input from neuroscience, AI-related sciences, and technology areas. The symposium will include strong philosophical, ethical, and policy perspectives from professionals in those areas. The symposium will address big questions about the role and impact of AI on individuals and society including

1) What are the inherent limitations, if any, on AI technologies?

2) Will AI developments evoke a new evolutionary trend that co-involves AI-enhanced humans and artificially intelligent machines?

3) Can brain-mapping data be used to reverse-engineer neural networks – or a “brain
system” – in silico that acquires consciousness?

4) What social, legal and/or moral status might be conferred upon such a system (or entity)?

5) What effect would radical longevity have on the conduct of human social, economic, political, and spiritual life?

The overarching goal of the symposium is to foster dialogue and understanding among scientists, humanities scholars, and policy makers about the role of AI research on humans and society. Specific topics include, but are not limited to the following:

(a) Identification of “big questions” related to growth of AI-related technology with focus on impacts on individuals and society.

(b) Discourse among speakers, panelists, and participants from two perspectives:

The latest technical knowledge about AI – with focus on AI research and development most relevant to the big questions and realistic forecasts for the AI-related technologies;
Philosophical, ethical and theological perspectives on human nature and the potential impacts that AI-related sciences and technologies incur in current and future society.

(c) Analysis of opportunities to improve meaningful communication

Undergraduate and graduate courses and pedagogical approaches
Forums for scientists, scholars in the humanities and social sciences, the public, and policy makers.
Planning for ways to sustain dialectical momentum beyond the symposium

Experts will present the AI technical foundation for emerging research and applications, philosophical and social science perspectives, and the ethical and policy issues that will impact society. Activities will feature interactive small group discussions as well as panel discussions and invited speakers, including congressional and federal agency representatives.

Main Contact
Larry Medsker,
Siena College Institute for Artificial Intelligence.
Send questions, comments, manuscript, and abstracts to
Phone number: +1 (802)488-4708.

Organizing Committee
Ilia Delio (Georgetown University,
David Gelernter (Yale University,
James Giordano (Georgetown University Center for Clinical Bioethics,
Cindy Mason (MIT Media Lab,; Paul Werbos (NSF,

Submission Requirements
Interested participants should submit symposium papers (8 pages maximum) in AAAI-style to no later than June 13, 2014. We welcome papers describing completed work, work-in-progress, interesting ideas even though they may not be completely worked through, and discussion pieces. Authors shall be notified by June 18, 2014.

For more information, please see the supplemental symposium Website at

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