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ACM SAC DAPP Track 2019 : ACM SAC Decentralized Applications (DAPP) with Blockchain, DLT and Crypto-Currencies


When Apr 8, 2019 - Apr 12, 2019
Where Cyprus
Submission Deadline Sep 10, 2018
Notification Due Nov 10, 2018
Final Version Due Nov 25, 2018
Categories    blockchain   DLT   crypto-currencies   bitcoin

Call For Papers


The 34th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
8-12 April 2019, Limassol, Cyprus

Track: Decentralized Applications (DAPP) with Blockchain, DLT and Crypto-Currencies

Proceedings in the ACM digital library

The additional Student Research Competition is sponsored by Microsoft Research

Aims and scope of the DAPP track:

The goal of the SAC 2019 DAPP track is to review the set of decentralized applications that benefit from the use of blockchains, other distributed ledger technologies (DLT) such as Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) and crypto-currencies. Blockchain has gained momentum since it has been brought to light by Bitcoin around 10 years ago. Since then, new DLT have been proposed and applied in many different application domains such as finance, supply chain, IoT, notarization, credentials in education… However, there are still limitations to these different DLT (energy consumption, attack-resistance, speed…) and their associated crypto-tokens or crypto-currencies can bring interesting new means to incentivize the use of decentralized applications. As the applications are decentralized and may involve payments and other financial activities, the track will also cover related legal contributions and includes in its program committee lawyers and law professors who have been working with DLTs and crypto-currencies.

We would like to emphasize that we may accept the submission of industrial experience reports, commercial tools case studies and reports of innovative computing applications if they are written in a scientific way. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Innovative decentralized applications (dApps)
Practical use of blockchain, DLT and/or crypto-currencies
Application of decentralized consensus algorithms and protocols
dApps integrated development environments (IDE)
dApps, blockchain, DLT, and/or crypto-currencies software engineering
Permissioned and permissionless dApps designs, implementations and testing
Peer-to-peer systems used in dApps, blockchain and DLT platforms
Performance of dApps, blockchain, DLT and/or crypto-currencies
Interoperability between different blockchains/DLT
Standardization of blockchain, DLT and/or crypto-currencies
Security of dApps, blockchain, DLT and/or crypto-currencies
Hardware security modules use in dApps, blockchain, DLT, and/or crypto-currencies
Formal verification and legal validity of smart contracts
Economics of dApps, blockchain, DLT and/or crypto-currencies
Usability and user studies of dApps, blockchain, DLT and/or crypto-currencies
Privacy and other legal aspects of dApps, blockchain, DLT and/or crypto-currencies

Submission guidelines are posted on the ACM SAC DAPP Web site, which always contains the latest updates. The ACM SAC papers/reviews management tool will be used. The average number of double-blind reviews per paper will be equal to 3 or even greater. Authors are invited to submit full papers about original and unpublished research. Parallel submission to other conferences, other tracks of SAC or any other publications is forbidden. Papers submitted should not have been previously published and should not be subsequently published in the same form elsewhere. Submissions should be properly anonymized to facilitate blind reviewing: papers being submitted should not list the authors, affiliations or addresses on the first page and authors are also encouraged to take care throughout the entire document to minimise references that may reveal the identity of the authors or institution. Papers failing to comply with anonymization or length limitations risk immediate rejection. Be aware that the average acceptance rate per track should be under 25%. Please check the author kit on the main SAC website: the format is usually the format used in the ACM templates. Student Research Competition (SRC) papers can only be at maximum 4 pages long. The length of full papers is 8 pages (included in the registration) + 2 pages (at extra charge) = 10 pages maximum. Papers that received high reviews (that is acceptable by reviewer standards) but were not accepted due to space limitation can be invited for the poster session. The length of poster papers is 3 pages (included in the registration) + 1 page (at extra charge) = 4 pages maximum. Paper registration is required, allowing the inclusion of the paper/poster in the conference proceedings. An author or a proxy attending SAC MUST present the paper: This is a requirement for the paper/poster to be included in the ACM/IEEE digital library. No-show of scheduled papers and posters will result in excluding them from the ACM/IEEE digital library.

September 10, 2018: Submission of papers
November 10, 2018: Notification of paper acceptance/rejection
November 25, 2018: Camera-ready copies of accepted papers
December 10, 2018: Author registration due date
April 8 – 12, 2019: Presentations in Limassol, Cyprus

Track Program Chair:
Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur, University of Geneva / Reputaction, Switzerland / France
Preliminary program committee:
Mr. Michael Herman, Parallelspace Corporation, Canada
Prof. Jihoon Jeong, Kyung Hee Cyber University, South Korea
Dr. Ahn Byung Ik, Fantom Foundation, South Korea
Mr. Ken Anderson, Hashgraph Hedera Swirlds, USA
Mr. Tim McHalek, Hashgraph Hedera Swirlds, USA
Mrs. Alpha Wang, Tencent, China
Mr. Kai Wei, China Academy of Telecommunication Research of MIIT, China
Prof. Junyoung Heo, Hansung University, Korea
Prof. Hong Min, Hoseo University, Korea
Mrs. Suzana Maranhão Moreno, Brazilian Development Bank, Brazil
Mr. Ruifeng Hu, Huawei, China
Prof. Aline Darbellay, Faculty of Law, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Dr. Michel José Reymond, Byrne-Sutton Bollen Kern Law Firm, Switzerland
Mr. Rene Lauk, Oblicity / Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Mrs. Céline Moille, Yellaw Lawyers, France
Mr. Jörn Erbguth, University of Geneva, Switzerland

The most up-to-date information can always be found on the ACM SAC DAPP track Website:

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