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YDS 2014 : York Doctoral Symposium on Electronics and Computer Science


When Oct 30, 2014 - Oct 30, 2014
Where York
Submission Deadline Aug 29, 2014
Notification Due Sep 26, 2014
Final Version Due Oct 10, 2014
Categories    computer science   electronics

Call For Papers

YDS 2014

Seventh York Doctoral Symposium on Computer Science and Electronics

30th October 2014, York, UK



The Departments of Computer Science and Electronics at the University of York
are hosting the 7th York Doctoral Symposium on Computer Science and Electronics (YDS 2014) on the 30th October 2014.

The goal of the symposium is to bring together doctoral students from around the UK and Europe to share and exchange research and ideas. The symposium will promote interdisciplinary research and help research students to gain experience in presenting their work to colleagues.

Important Dates
* Full paper and Extended Abstracts Deadline: 29th August (17:00 GMT)

* Full paper and Extended Abstracts Notification: 26th September (17:00 GMT)

* Poster Abstract Submissions: 19th September (17:00 GMT)

* Poster Notification: 26th September (17:00 GMT)

* Camera-ready Extended Abstracts, Papers and Posters Deadline: 10th October (17:00 GMT)

* Symposium: 30th October


YDS 2014 welcomes contributions from all areas of Electronics and Computer Science, including but not limited to areas covered by the research groups of both departments at the University of York:

* Advanced Computer Architectures
* Artificial Intelligence
* Communications and Signal Processing
* Computer Vision
* Engineering Education and Management
* Enterprise Systems
* High Integrity Systems Engineering
* Human-Computer Interaction
* Intelligent Systems
* Non-Standard Computation
* Physical Layer
* Programming Languages and Systems

Submission Guidelines: Papers and Extended Abstracts

This year, we will be accepting two categories of papers:

* Full length papers (up to 8 pages)
* Extended abstracts (2-4 pages)

Extended abstracts can describe very early work and ideas; full length
papers should describe work that is more developed. Authors should
write with the breadth of the symposium's scope in mind. Papers should
be as self-contained as possible and should not assume specialist
background knowledge so that as many participants as possible can
engage with the contribution.

Papers and extended abstracts should be formatted using Springer's LNCS
style. Templates and guidelines are available from their webpage:

Paper and extended abstract submissions will only be accepted via
Easychair, which can be accessed from the "Submission" page on or via

Submission Guidelines: Posters

Posters must be submitted in two stages. Posters will be reviewed based
on an initial submission of a one-page (maximum) abstract of the poster's
content, with the camera-ready version of accepted posters to follow.
Please note the deadlines above for these two stages.

Poster abstracts should be formatted using Springer's LNCS style. Templates
and guidelines are available from their webpage:


The proceedings of the symposium (full-length papers, extended abstracts
and poster abstracts) will be published as a technical report by the
Department of Computer Science, University of York. The report will
be freely available online from Several hard copies
will also be printed.


Thanks to our sponsors we are able to offer the following cash prizes
to YDS contributors:

* Best full-length paper: £100
* Best extended abstract: £75
* Best paper or extended abstract presentation: £75
* Best industry-rated poster £100
* Best poster: £50


Programme Chairs

* Matthew Luckcuck (Computer Science)
* Theo Cho (Electronics)

General Chairs

* Sophie Alexander (Electronics)
* James Stovold (Computer Science)

Organising Committee
* Sophie Alexander
* Theo Cho
* Alena Denisova
* Matthew Luckcuck
* Hashan Mendis
* Tautvydas Micku
* James Stovold
* Bharath Sudev
* Christopher Timperley


We gratefully acknowledge sponsorship by the following companies and

* Departments of Electronics and Computer Science, the University of York
* Thales

Financial support may be available upon request, to enable authors to attend. Please email with requests:

* Matthew Luckcuck (Computer Science)
* Theo Cho (Electronics)

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