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YDS 2016 : The Ninth York Doctoral Symposium on Computer Science and Electronics


When Nov 17, 2016 - Nov 17, 2016
Where York, UK
Submission Deadline Sep 2, 2016
Notification Due Oct 7, 2016
Final Version Due Oct 28, 2016
Categories    computer science   electronics

Call For Papers

YDS 2016 Call for Papers and Posters


The Departments of Computer Science and Electronics at the University
of York are hosting the 9th York Doctoral Symposium on Computer
Science and Electronics (YDS 2016) on the 17th November 2016.

The goal of the symposium is to bring together doctoral students from
around the UK and Europe to share and exchange research and ideas. The
symposium will promote interdisciplinary research and help research
students to gain experience in presenting their work to colleagues.
Prizes will be awarded for the best submissions.

Please see the Submission Instructions section below for guidance on
how to format and submit submissions. For further information, please
see the conference website: If you have
any questions, please contact the committee:

Important Dates

* Submission Deadline: Friday 2nd September

* Notification of Acceptance: Friday 7th October

* Camera-ready Version Deadline: Friday 28th October

* Symposium: Thursday 17th November


YDS 2016 welcomes contributions from all areas of Electronics and
Computer Science, including but not limited to areas covered by the
research groups of both departments at the University of York:

* Advanced Computer Architectures
* Artificial Intelligence
* Communications and Signal Processing
* Computer Vision
* Engineering Education and Management
* Enterprise Systems
* High Integrity Systems Engineering
* Human-Computer Interaction
* Intelligent Systems
* Non-Standard Computation
* Applied Electromagnetics
* Nano-electronics
* Programming Languages and Systems
* Cyber Security and Cloud applications
* Machine Learning
* Robotics

Submission Instructions

We will be accepting 3 categories of submission to YDS 2016:

* Full length papers (up to 10 pages)
* Extended abstracts (4 pages of content, 1 page of references)
* Posters

Submissions should be made via the EasyChair conference management
system. The EasyChair page for YDS 2016 is If you do not already
have an EasyChair account, instructions for setting one up can be
found at There
are different submission instructions for papers and posters.

### Papers and Extended Abstracts

Papers and extended abstracts should be formatted using the Springer
LNCS format, templates and instructions for which can be obtained from Although a Word
template is provided, we strongly recommend using LaTeX to format your
paper. If you have never used LaTeX before, a tutorial can be found at There is also a good online LaTeX
editor available at, with an LNCS template
provided here:

Papers and extended abstracts must be submitted via EasyChair by
logging in, selecting 'New Submission' from the bar at the top, and
filling in the form with the details of the paper. The PDF of the
paper should be uploaded along with the submission. The submission may
be edited at any time before the deadline (2nd September). After the
deadling for paper submission, the papers and extended abstracts will
be reviewed and you will be notified whether or not your paper has
been accepted. If your paper has been accepted, you will then need to
update it, taking into account the reviewer's comments, and submit the
final camera-ready version via EasyChair. It is *not* necessary to
supply an LNCS copyright form as we are not publishing with Springer.

### Posters

Posters must be submitted in two stages. Posters will be reviewed
based on an initial submission of a one-page (maximum) abstract of the
poster's content. The abstract should be formatted using the LNCS
style and submitted via EasyChair as described for papers above. The
poster will be reviewed based on the abstract and you will be notified
whether the poster has been accepted or not. If the poster is accepted
then a camera-ready version of the poster must be submitted by the
camera-ready deadline (28th October). Note that you must produce the
printed poster yourself and bring it to the conference, we will not be
printing the posters.


The proceedings of the symposium (full-length papers, extended
abstracts and poster abstracts) will be published as a technical
report by the Department of Computer Science, University of York. The
report will be freely available online from Several hard copies
will also be printed.


### Programme Chairs

* James Baxter (Computer Science)
* Samuel Bourke (Electronics)

### General Chairs

* Matthew Dale (Computer Science)
* Richard Redpath (Electronics)

### Organising Committee

* Saja Althubaiti
* James Baxter
* Matthew Bedder
* Sam Bourke
* Matthew Dale
* Mark Douthwaite
* Penny Faulkner
* Fatma Layas
* Matthew Prinold
* Richard Redpath
* Matthew Rowling
* Martin Rusilowicz

Related Resources

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