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AI4VIP 2015 : Accessible Interaction for Visually Impaired People


When Sep 7, 2015 - Sep 7, 2015
Where Stuttgart, Germany
Submission Deadline Jun 21, 2015
Notification Due Jun 26, 2015
Final Version Due Jul 5, 2015
Categories    HCI   human computer interaction   accessibility   visually impaired

Call For Papers

Improving access to information and technology for visually impaired people is a significant challenge within the field of Human-Computer Interaction. In the last decades assistive technology has helped increasing the autonomy and quality of life of the 285 million visually impaired people worldwide. Interactive technologies can support visually impaired people in many tasks, such as navigation and wayfinding, reading and writing, access to education, or even gaming. Still, many websites and games are not designed and programmed to be accessible, even with assistive technology.
In this workshop we want to bring together HCI researchers and practitioners working on assistive technology for visually impaired people and on accessible design methods and instruments for web designers and programmers. We intend to identify shared challenges and common avenues for future work.

The following topics are – among others – of relevance for the workshop:

Electronic Travel Aids and navigation systems
Tactile and interactive geographic maps
Access to written and graphical information
Accessible wearable or/and mobile technologies
Accessible Computer-Supported Collaborative Work
Non-visual interaction techniques
Tactile/haptic and auditory displays
Audio-based games
Accessible design and evaluation methods
Web Accessibility for visually impaired people
Game design for visually impaired people

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