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Sustainable City 2015 : 10th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability


When Sep 1, 2015 - Sep 3, 2015
Where Medellin, Colombia
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    sustainability   development   planning   renewable energy

Call For Papers


The 10th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability (Sustainable City) will be held at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana in Medellin, Colombia. The University is named in honour of the South American Liberator Simon Bolivar.

This Sustainable City meeting follows a series of successful conferences starting in Rio de Janeiro in 2000 and regularly held since then in different locations throughout Europe and Asia. The meetings always attract a substantial number of contributions from participants from different backgrounds and countries. The variety of topics and experiences is one of the main reasons behind the success of the series. The dynamic growth of Colombia and in particular the rapid development of Medellin, which has recently been designated the most innovative city in the world, led to its choice as the venue for the Sustainable City 2015 conference.

Urban areas result in a series of environmental challenges varying from the consumption of natural resources and the subsequent generation of waste and pollution, contributing to the development of social and economic imbalances. As cities continue to grow all over the world, these problems tend to become more acute and require the development of new solutions.

The challenge of planning sustainable contemporary cities lies in considering the dynamics of urban systems, exchange of energy and matter, and the function and maintenance of ordered structures directly or indirectly supplied and maintained by natural systems. The task of researchers, aware of the complexity of the contemporary city, is to improve the capacity to manage human activities, pursuing welfare and prosperity in the urban environment. Any investigation or planning on a city ought to consider the relationships between the parts and their connections with the living world. The dynamics of its networks (flows of energy matter, people, goods, information and other resources) are fundamental for an understanding of the evolving nature of today’s cities.

The Sustainable City Conference addresses the multidisciplinary components of urban planning, the challenges presented by the increasing size of the cities, the amount of resources and sources required and the complexity of modern society.

--Conference Topics--

Planning, development and management
The community and the city
Urban strategies
Architectural issues
Cultural heritage issues
Landscape planning and design
Urbanization of rural areas
Environmental management
Sustainable energy and the city
Waste management
Intelligent environments
Quality of life
Infrastructures and social services
Sustainable urban tourism
Planning for risk and natural hazards
Case studies

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