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CIbSE 2019 : CFP CIbSE 2019 - 22nd Iberoamerican Conference on Software Engineering


Conference Series : Conferencia Iberoamericana de Software Engineering
When Apr 22, 2019 - Apr 26, 2019
Where Cuba
Abstract Registration Due Nov 30, 2018
Submission Deadline Dec 7, 2018
Notification Due Feb 1, 2019
Final Version Due Feb 28, 2019
Categories    software engineering   requirements engineering   experimental soft. engineering

Call For Papers

22nd Iberoamerican Conference on Software Engineering (CIbSE 2019)

La Habana, Cuba, April 22 - 23, 2019
Varadero, Cuba, April 24 - 26, 2019

CIbSE is the leading research forum on Software Engineering (SE) in Ibero-America. The primary objective of this conference is to promote high-quality scientific research in Ibero-American countries and, thus, support the researchers in this community in publishing and discussing their work. Also, the conference fosters collaboration and cross-fertilization among academics, students, and practitioners from industry.

CIbSE 2019 will be held in Havana as well as Varadero, Cuba. The event will include various tracks, an industrial session, keynotes from influential researchers of the Software Engineering community, and social events.

The conference will be held in conjunction with two satellite events: the Doctoral Symposium and the second version of the Ibero-American School on Software Engineering (EIbAIS). The Doctoral Symposium is organized to discuss work in progress of Ph.D. topics related to the general area of Software Engineering. The school will be led by renowned lecturers, offering an attractive program, combining lectures and tutorials based on the current trends in Software Engineering.

We invite you to submit papers to one or more of our main tracks:
* SET - Software Engineering Track
* RET - Requirements Engineering Track
* ESELAW - Experimental Software Engineering Track

Papers can be submitted in any of the available categories (Technical Papers and Emerging Ideas) and the official CIbSE languages: English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Below, you will find the details of each track and the general organization committee.

For more information, please visit the CIbSE 2019 website (, or contact us directly via e-mail ( or our social media channels on Twitter and Facebook.

We invite authors to submit high-quality research papers describing significant, original, and not previously published results in any of the following tracks and categories:

* SET - Software Engineering Track
* RET - Requirements Engineering Track
* ESELAW - Experimental Software Engineering Track


1. Technical Papers (not exceeding 14 pages): Technical papers should describe innovative research in the topics of the main tracks. Papers in this submission category should describe a novel contribution to the topics and should carefully support claims of novelty with citations to the relevant literature.

Evaluation criteria: Technical papers are evaluated by originality, soundness, relevance, the importance of contribution, the strength of validation, quality of presentation and appropriate comparison to related work. In case a submission builds upon the previous work of the author(s), the novelty of the new contribution must be described clearly concerning the previous work. Technical papers need to discuss openly how the results were validated.

2. Emerging Ideas Papers (not exceeding eight pages): Emerging ideas papers describe new, non-conventional approaches on the topics of the Foundations tracks, that depart from standard practice. They are intended to describe clear research ideas that are at an early stage of the investigation.

Evaluation criteria: Emerging ideas papers will be assessed primarily on their level of originality and potential for impact on the field regarding promoting innovative thinking. Hence, inadequacies in the state-of-the-art and the pertinence, correctness, and impact of the idea must be described precisely. While the idea that is described does not need to be fully validated, a presentation of preliminary results that provide initial insights into the feasibility and/or impact of the idea is expected. Provided acceptance, authors are asked to prepare a poster for presentation at the Poster Session. The Poster Session is separated from the Technical Papers’ Sessions and shall allow authors to get immediate, personal feedback from conference attendees during the session in which they present their work. Posters also provide an opportunity to see new work in the field in a more relaxed setting to foster discussions and exchange of ideas.

Abstract submission: November, 30th, 2018
Paper submission: December 07th, 2018
Notification to authors: February 1st, 2019
Camera-Ready: February 28th, 2019

All papers must be submitted through EasyChair at, using PDF format only. Submissions must be formatted according to the LNCS style.

At least one author of accepted papers must register by the camera-ready deadline. One registration corresponds to only one paper. At least one of each paper's authors must be registered for the conference and present it in person or the paper will be excluded from the proceedings made available online by Curran Associates (, and later indexed by Scopus. If an author has more than one accepted paper, it is possible to pay the 50% of the registration in the second and following co-authored papers.

Any paper which is not in the scope of the conference or does not follow the formatting guidelines will be desk-rejected without review. All other submissions are going to be peer-reviewed by at least three members of the Program Committee.

The organizers will publish all accepted papers in the conference proceedings that will be indexed in Scopus and DBLP.

The best paper of each track will receive an award certificate. Publishing the best papers in a special issue of an international journal is currently in preparation.

Software Engineering Track (SET)
SET is a forum where researchers and practitioners from the Ibero-American community may report and discuss new research results in all the areas of Software Engineering, except for topics in requirements engineering and empirical software engineering, which are discussed in the corresponding specialized tracks.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Software processes and methodologies
* Model-driven software engineering
* Automatic software generation
* Reverse engineering and software system modernization
* Software maintenance and evolution
* Quality, measurement, and quality assurance of products and processes
* Software testing
* Software architectures
* Search-based software engineering
* Web engineering and web services
* Software product families and variability
* Software reuse
* Software language engineering
* Formal methods applied to software engineering
* Integration with human-computer interaction
* Ontologies applied to software engineering
* Software engineering for Contemporary Software Systems (self-adaptive and autonomous systems, cyber-physical systems, Internet of Everything, Internet of Things, Industry 4.0)
* Software engineering education and training.
* Continuous Software Engineering

Andreia Malucelli, UFPR, Brasil
Estefanía Serral, KU Leuven, Belgium

Requirements Engineering Track (RET)
The goal of this track is to explore and discuss different advances and contributions relevant to Requirements Engineering and its relation with different domains of applications, through integrated and robust solutions to be proposed by researchers and professionals. This track was previously run as the Workshop on Requirements Engineering.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Requirements elicitation, analysis, and documentation
* Requirements validation and visualization
* Requirements specification languages, methods, processes, and tools
* Requirements management, traceability, prioritization, and negotiation
* Requirements engineering in agile methodologies
* Requirements engineering in the context of model-driven development
* Non-functional requirements
* Regulatory compliance
* Requirements engineering and software architecture
* Aspect-oriented requirements engineering
* Service-oriented requirements engineering
* Requirements engineering for Web-based systems and mobile applications
* Requirements engineering for self-adaptive systems
* Requirements engineering for the agent-oriented paradigm
* Requirements engineering for product lines
* Social, cultural, and cognitive factors in requirements engineering
* Aligning requirements to business goals and business processes
* Requirements engineering education and training.

Giovanni Giachetti (Universidad Tecnológica de Chile INACAP, Chile)
João Araújo (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)

Experimental Software Engineering Track (ESELAW)
This track is the evolution of the Workshop on Experimental Software Engineering. ESELAW provides a stimulating forum at which researchers and practitioners can present and discuss recent research results on a wide range of topics related to Experimental Software Engineering. Also, the track encourages the exchange of ideas to understand the strengths and weaknesses of software engineering technologies and methods from a robust empirical viewpoint, including different kinds of empirical studies. Research on empirical methods and the design and analysis of empirical studies are also welcome.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Empirical studies concerned with software processes and products
* The empirical evaluation and comparison of techniques and models (cost estimation, analysis and design methods, testing, among others)
* Development of predictive models for software engineering based on experimentation
* Mining software repositories and data analytics
* Secondary studies (mapping studies, quasi/systematic literature reviews, and rapid reviews)
* Reporting Studies and Scientific Software Engineering Knowledge (evidence briefings, minding maps, among others)
* Simulation-based studies in software engineering
* Education and training in experimental software engineering
* Industrial experience, case studies, action-research studies, grounded theory, among others
* New ideas regarding the measurement, evaluation, comparison, and development of empirical software engineering methods
* Infrastructures and new techniques with which to conduct empirical studies
* Replication of empirical studies
* Continuous Experimentation

Miguel Goulão , Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Claudia P. Ayala, Technical University of Catalunya, Spain

CIbSE 2019 organizes a Doctoral Symposium Track (DS), aimed at disseminating research-in-progress conducted by novice researchers. A board of experts will discuss with the researchers to suggest new perspectives and improvements to the Ph.D. thesis.
The submitted research can address any of the CIbSE 2019 research topics. We recommend although it is not compulsory, that the research is at an intermediate stage (~ 2nd year) so that experts’ suggestions could be included in the Ph.D. work.
The suggested paper structure is as follows:
* Introduction to the field of research and identification of the main challenges therein;
* Explicit formulation of the research questions and objectives justifying why they were chosen;
* Outline of the current knowledge of the problem domain as well as the state of existing solutions;
* Sketch of the research methodology that is being applied;
* Introduction of the proposed solution and the results achieved so far;
* The statement in what aspects the suggested solution is different or better as compared to existing approaches;
* An indication of the outstanding issues and description of the next steps that are planned;
* Provision of a list of references.

Doctoral Symposium papers shall be authored by the doctoral candidate exclusively (thus, the name of the supervisor should not be included). All papers must be submitted in PDF format through EasyChair, using the link available in the CIbSE 2019 webpage. Submissions must be written in English, Portuguese, or Spanish. Moreover, the paper should not exceed eight pages, and it should be formatted according to the LNCS style. The authors of accepted DS papers must register by the camera-ready deadline.

Paper submission: February 4th, 2019
Notification: February 25th, 2019
Camera-Ready: March 11th, 2019

Marcela Genero, Universidad Castilla-La Mancha, España
Vítor E. Silva Souza, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brasil

The Ibero-American School on Software Engineering (EIbAIS) represents the CIbSE initiative to disseminate software engineering knowledge in Ibero-America. It started as a natural evolution of the CIbSE tutorials and short courses, by including prospective topics in the field and non-exclusively regarding the main CIbSE tracks: technologies, experimentation, and requirements.

EIbAIS aims to promote a forum for discussions regarding software engineering and its related technologies and theoretical foundations, allowing the participation of practitioners, undergraduate and graduate students and researchers in the activities.

As in any CIbSE related activity, all lecturers are presented by volunteers engaged with contributing to CIbSE community and the spreading of Software Engineering knowledge in Ibero-America. However, depending on the number of registrations in EIbAIS and the CIbSE budget, some supporting for traveling and conference registration should be allocated for them.

In its second issue, EIbAIS is going to be organized into two basic categories of plenary sessions for two days: state-of-the-practice and state-of-the-art modules.

The modules regarding the state-of-the-practice offer discussions on topics of general interest and usually representing local demand. These modules support the amendment of knowledge and practical issues to the participants, presenting evidence-based software engineering results to the audience. Examples of state-of-practice topics include CASE tools, software testing of conventional systems, scenario-based specifications, surveys, controlled experiments, and so on.

The modules regarding the state-of-the-art offer discussion on topics of prospective interest and usually representing the software engineering community perspectives. These modules intend to provide information on ongoing and next to coming software engineering technologies candidates that could represent breakthroughs concepts in the field. Examples of state-of-the-art topics include requirements specification for Ubiquitous systems, software testing of context awareness systems, software engineering for the Internet of Everything, simulation-based experiments in software engineering, synthesis of evidence, and so on.

All the participants that take part in the plenary sessions will get a certificate of participation, indicating the modules, lecturers, and contents.

The main topics for both types of modules of 2nd EIbAIS are going to be announced soon!

Guilherme Horta Travassos, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Luca Cernuzzi, Universidad Católica Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, Paraguay

Miguel Katrib Mora (Universidad de La Habana, Cuba)

Beatriz Marín (Universidad Diego Portales, Chile)
Isabel Sofia Brito (Instituto Politécnico de Beja, Portugal)

Alberto Fernández Oliva (Universidad de La Habana, Cuba)

Carla Silva (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brasil)
Daniel Méndez (TUM | Technical University of Munich, Germany)

Grisel Geic (Cuba)

Yanet Bellon Landa (Solways Cuba)

Related Resources

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