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ITC 2013 : International Test Conference


Conference Series : International Test Conference
When Sep 10, 2013 - Sep 12, 2013
Where Anaheim, California, USA
Submission Deadline Feb 4, 2013
Notification Due May 7, 2013
Final Version Due Jun 2, 2013
Categories    test   VLSI

Call For Papers

International Test Conference is the world's premier venue dedicated to the electronic test of devices, boards and systems-covering the complete cycle from design verification, design-for-test, design-for-manufacturing, silicon debug, manufacturing test, system test, diagnosis, failure analysis and back to process and design improvement. At ITC, design, test, and yield professionals can confront the challenges the industry faces, and learn how these challenges are being addressed by the combined efforts of academia, design tool and equipment suppliers, designers, and test engineers.

ITC, the cornerstone of the Test Week event, offers a wide variety of technical activities targeted at test and design theoreticians and practitioners, including: formal paper sessions, tutorials, panel sessions, case studies, a lecture series, commercial exhibits and presentations, and a host of ancillary professional meetings.

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished papers describing recent work in the field of test and design. In addition, authors are invited to submit practical, industry best practices to be included in application/lecture series sessions. Submissions simultaneously under review or accepted by another conference, symposium or journal, will be summarily rejected.

Submissions must include:
Title of paper.
Name, affiliation, mailing address, e-mail address, and phone number of each author.
Designation of the presenter - the person who ITC will communicate with.
One or two topic(s) from the topic list, or a description of your topic.
An electronic copy of a complete paper of six to eight pages (maximum of 10), or an extended summary of from three to four pages. Smaller submissions are rarely accepted.
An abstract of 35 words or less.
ITC maintains a competitive selection process for papers. Submissions must clearly describe the status of the reported work, its significance and highlights. Supporting data, results (priority is given to papers with results from real circuits) and conclusions, and references to prior work must also be included. ITC does not accept submissions that do not meet all specified criteria.

Paper submission deadline:
February 4, 2013 (Firm deadline)

Author notification:
May 7, 2013

Final manuscript due:
July 2, 2013

Panel organizers are invited to submit panel ideas to highlight new developments and trends in test, to invite group discussion on controversies in test approaches, or to educate the audience on new standards or practices. Submissions must describe the area and possible positions of different panelists. The deadline for panel proposal submissions is: February 4, 2013

Related Resources

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VLSICS 2025   International journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems
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DFT 2025   38th IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems
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