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MathMod MS Class. Eval. 2015 : MathMod Minisymposium 2015 - Classification and evaluation of the cognitive-based interacting human and/or technical system


When Feb 18, 2015 - Feb 20, 2015
Where Vienna
Submission Deadline Sep 1, 2014
Notification Due Dec 15, 2014
Final Version Due Jan 15, 2015
Categories    cognitive science   HCI   human computer interaction

Call For Papers

Proposal MathMod Minisymposium 2015
The minisympsium will be organized as part of MathMod 2015,
the deadlines are identical.

Classification and evaluation of the cognitive-based interacting human and/or technical system

2-3 intended sessions about:

of knowledge-based human interaction behavior, related reasoning, learning,
and planning tasks;
of knowledge-based cognitive system behavior, related reasoning,
learning, and planning tasks;
of the dynamics of (knowledge-related) Human-Machine-Systems including the
interaction of humans with cognitive-technical / intelligent systems;
of the dynamics of interactive group behavior;
of the actual status of self-organization processes within intelligent systems,

of planning and interaction sequences;
of decision processes and results;
of goal- and utility-oriented behaviors;
of human cognitive work based on shown behavior etc.;
with respect to the dependability of Human-Machine-Systems …

Intended application fields:
- Assistance systems, Multi-mode interaction between autonomous and guided systems
- Intelligent systems
- Intelligent, soft-computed knowledge-based supervision of human interaction
- Cognitive interfaces
- Human-guided robotic systems
- …

Short description:
Since a few years a formal understanding of cognition is used and applied in several disciplines realizing situational, flexible behaviors for interactions and model-based supervision. Based on cognitive functions (perception, interpretation, planning, execution) or procedures (learning, reasoning, memorizing, …) with the use of representations and soft-/intelligent computing techniques, tasks of control and supervision of technical systems are discussed in a new sense. Applications fields like Human-Machine-Systems or Cognitive Interfaces are discussed in a method-oriented formal manner. Technical situation cognition is becoming a known term also in engineering, as well as a popular term in information science. Based on this formal understanding detailed aspects of the cognitive interaction behavior (including human knowledge-guided behavior) can be classified and/or evaluated, the results can be used within automation/supervision tasks or for guidance purposes.
This minisymposium organizes contributions and discussions of scientists working in related fields.

What is not intended to be included:
- Approaches not based on mathematical, algorithmic, or formal approaches
- Work related to ergonomic analysis (excluding cognitive work/task analysis)
- Pure experimental results

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