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WSED 2020 : World Sustainable Energy Days


When Mar 4, 2020 - Mar 6, 2020
Where Wels/Austria
Submission Deadline Oct 10, 2019
Categories    energy efficiency   renewable energy   wood pellet   bioenergy

Call For Papers

The Clean Energy Package is changing Europe‘s energy markets. "Energy efficiency first" and "global leadership in renewables" are at the core of Europe’s commitment to a clean energy transition. This requires strong policies, competitive businesses, technology innovation and investments. The WSED conference adress policies, innovation and business in specialised conferences and interactive events. It connects people from business, the public sector and research and empowers them to embrace the change.

In 3 days, the event offers delegates a comprehensive package:
● 6 dedicated conferences, including the European Energy Efficiency Policy Conference, the European Pellet Conference, the Industrial Energy Efficiency Conference and the Smart E-Mobility Conference
● technical visits to innovative energy projects
● a major tradeshow on building efficiency and renewable energy with 1,600 exhibiting companies

You are warmly invited to take an active part in the event through our call for papers and speakers. Share your work with the worldwide sustainable energy community! Submit your paper or propose a speaker. We greatly look forward to receiving your submissions and welcoming your contributions!

We invite you to submit papers on:
energy efficiency ● renewable energy sources ● energy-efficient and sustainable solutions for buildings and industry ● e-mobility ● pellets ● sustainable energy research, technologies, programmes, markets and policies ● products, services, business models

The papers can address the following aspects:
successfully realised projects ● technical and business innovation, research results ● policies, programmes, strategies ● information, marketing, dissemination ● market analyses, studies ● innovative products ● financing solutions and business models ● integrated approaches and solutions for energy efficiency and renewable energy sources

Related Resources

WSED 2025   World Sustainable Energy Days 2025
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RSEJ 2024   Renewable and Sustainable Energy: An International Journal
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SOFTPA 2025   4th International Conference on Emerging Practices in Software Process & Architecture
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NLDML 2025   4th International Conference on NLP, Data Mining and Machine Learning
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SGSE--EI 2025   2025 International Conference on Smart Grid and Sustainable Energy (SGSE 2025)