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ACIIDS 2015 : 7th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems


Conference Series : Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems
When Mar 23, 2015 - Mar 25, 2015
Where Bali
Submission Deadline Oct 1, 2014
Notification Due Nov 14, 2014
Final Version Due Dec 14, 2014

Call For Papers

Conference: ACIIDS 2015
Name: 7th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems
Conference web site:
Date: March 23-25, 2015
Venue: Bali, Indonesia
Publication: Springer LNCS/LNAI Series (max 10 pages)
Submission via EasyChair:


Submission of papers: 01 October 2014
Notification of acceptance: 14 November 2014
Camera-ready papers: 14 December 2014
Registration and payment: 31 December 2014
Conference: 23-25 March 2015


1. Intelligent Information Systems:
- Artificial and Computational Intelligence
- Distributed Artificial Intelligence
- Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
- Intelligent Techniques in Bioinformatics, Optimizations
- Intelligent Systems: Internet, Software, Energy, Hybrid
- Computational Nanotechnology
- Game and Decision Theories, Planning
- Neurocomputers
- Parallel Computation
- Automation Systems and Control
- Robotics and Autonomous Robots
- Method Engineering and Meta-Modeling
- UML and Unified Processes
- Empirical Software Engineering
- Extreme Modeling and Extreme Programming

2. Intelligent Database Systems:
- Data Warehousing, Data Mining, and Big Data
- Mobile and Peer-to-Peer Databases
- Spatial, Temporal, Multimedia, Scientific Databases
- Semi-Structured, RDF, XML Databases
- Stream and Sensor Databases
- Social Networks, Web, and Personal Data Management
- Object-Relational and Object-Oriented Databases
- Heterogeneous and Distributed Databases
- Heterogeneous Knowledge Bases
- Data Integration and Interoperability
- Ontologies and Information Sharing
- Database Models and Query Languages
- Database Privacy and Security
- Database System Internals and Performance

3. Tools and Applications:
- Collaborative Learning, Systems, and Applications
- Enterprise Systems and Supply Chain Integration
- Virtual Teams, Mobile Collaboration, Artificial Social Systems
- Recommender Systems
- Healthcare and Medicine
- Autonomic Computing
- E-learning, E-institutions, E-commerce, E-finance, E-business, and M-commerce
- Web Services and Semantic Web
- Speech and Natural Language Processing
- Case Studies and Reports on Deployments
- Simulation Systems
- Computational Infrastructures


All contributions should be original and not published elsewhere or intended to be published during the review period.

Submitted papers should be prepared in English in LNCS/LNAI style and should not exceed 10 pages.

Each paper is to be submitted electronically as a single PDF file through EasyChair at:

All accepted papers must be presented by one of the authors who must register for the conference and pay the fee.

The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the prestigious series LNCS/LNAI (indexed by ISI, EI, DBLP, Inspec, Scopus, etc.).

A selected number of accepted and personally presented papers will be expanded and revised for possible inclusion in special issues in high quality scientific journals.

Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia
Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland

Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Ford Lumban Gaol, Binus University, Indonesia

Bogdan Trawinski, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Raymond Kosala, Binus University, Indonesia
Tzung-Pei Hong, National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Hamido Fujita, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan

Harisno, Binus University, Indonesia
Suharjito, Binus University, Indonesia
Marcin Maleszka, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland

Diana, Binus University, Indonesia
Adrianna Kozierkiewicz-Hetmanska, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland

Organizational issues:
Submission issues:
Reviewing issues:
Special sessions:

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