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AI* 2016 : Second Italian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Ambient Assisted Living


When Nov 28, 2016 - Nov 28, 2016
Where Genova, Italy
Submission Deadline Sep 10, 2016
Notification Due Sep 30, 2016
Final Version Due Oct 10, 2016
Categories    artificial intelligence   ambient assisted living

Call For Papers

In recent years there has been an increasing attention on the topic of “prolonging independent living” and “aging well”. Several initiatives all over the world have focused on the problem of helping the aging population with technology; funding programs have been launched like the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Joint Programme promoted by the European Commission, together with the topic “ageing well” within the FP7 and Horizon 2020 program. The general aim is the promotion of a healthier society, which constitutes a main social and economic challenge.

In this scenario, Artificial Intelligence techniques can play a crucial role. The development of new AI-based techniques, supporting older adults and helping them to cope with the changes of aging and cognitive decline, represents one of the most advanced ICT areas: Robotics, Assistive Technology for Cognition, Sensor-based Monitoring Systems, Compensation Systems, Security and Ethics, Continuous Learning and Navigation Supports for in-and-outdoor Systems are the fields where AI may challenge its solutions and contribute to innovative technological changes.

The working group “AI and Ageing Society” has previously organized several Workshops on Technological Challenges and Scenarios for the Ageing Society in Brescia, Palermo, and Torino to discuss about technological roles and opportunities for Artificial Intelligence in the Ageing Society domain.

Capitalizing from these activities, the group is trying to establish a stable forum on the topic and organizes the Second Edition of the Italian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Ambient Assisted Living with the goal of collecting contributions, ideas and new scientific and technological scenarios, as well as to discuss and disseminate results on Artificial Intelligence for Ambient Assisted Living.

Among the various topics of interest, the workshop will also dwell on the synergies between Technology and Human Science studies beneficial to develop a fully accepted technology that also responds to the various users needs. This will be possibly explored through a round table discussion.

Demos and presentations on results of projects are envisaged, as well as discussions on impact and prospective for AI-based solutions in the AAL domain.

The contribution topics include (but are not limited to) the following areas:


- Activity monitoring systems (indoor and outdoor)
- Object and Activity recognition
- Human-environment and human-robot interaction
- Novel sensors and actuators
- Smart environments (indoor and outdoor)
- Evaluation methodologies for AAL domains
- Personalization of AAL Services
- Intelligent and Cognition-based User Interaction
- Advanced Data Analysis Techniques and Information Fusion
- Ageing, mobility and transportation
- Ethical issues in AAL domains
- AI techniques applied to AAL scenarios


Papers should be formatted according to the LNCS format and they should not exceed 16 pages. Submissions will be managed via Easychair.


Papers will be published in the CEUR proceedings of AI*IA


This workshop is the fifth event organized by the AI and Ageing Society working group.


2014 - Pisa, Italy (co-located with AI*IA'14)
2013 - Turin, Italy (co-located with AI*IA'13)
2011 - Palermo, Italy (co-located with AI*IA'11)
2010 - Brescia, Italy (co-located with AI*IA'10)


Submission deadline: 10 September 2016
Notification of acceptance: 30 September 2016
Camera Ready: 10 October 2016
Early Registration: TBD
Late Registration: TBD
Workshop day: 28 November 2016


Stefania Bandini (CSAI, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy)
Gabriella Cortellessa (ISTC-CNR, Roma, Italy)
Filippo Palumbo (ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy)

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