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Workshop@Edutainment 2018 : Call for Workshop Proposal for Edutainment 2018


When Jun 28, 2018 - Jun 30, 2018
Where Xi'an, China (People's Republic)
Submission Deadline Dec 11, 2017
Notification Due Dec 16, 2017
Categories    games   e-learning    well-being   gamification

Call For Papers

The Edutainment 2018 Organization Committee invites members of the research, development, and practitioner communities to submit workshop proposals. Workshops aim at examining an area in a less formal, more open environment for the free exchange of views, and possibly in a more focused way than in the main tracks of the conference itself. Workshop proposals are welcomed in all areas of Edutainment and Game-Based Learning.

Proposal Format:

The workshop organizers should submit a workshop proposal by December 11, 2017. Each Workshop proposal is limited to 1-2 pages and should include:

#Title of workshop and proposed URL of site to host CFP, program etc.
#Theme of the workshop and topics of interest, and how these relate to the overall conference.
#Names, affiliations, and a short bio (up to 200 words) of the organizers.
#Brief description of research, industry, and practitioners’ topics of interest that the workshop will address.
#Expected number of participants and potential program committee members.
#Planned format: participant selection, timeline, type of contributions, discussions and integration of non-presenting participants:
Full-day workshops should aim for 8-9 accepted papers or invited technical talks. Half-day workshops should aim for 4-5 accepted papers or invited technical talks. Indicate the maximum length of the papers to be submitted.
If the workshop will include invited technical talks (i.e., presentation of a non-peer-reviewed paper), the proposal should include a subset of invited speakers who are willing to attend and participate if the workshop is accepted.
#A draft workshop call for papers with the names, affiliations, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of the workshop organizers.

The review criteria for workshop proposals are merit based and priority will be given to workshops with topics relevant to the conference themes. Accepted workshop papers will be published in the Edutainment 2018 Conference Proceedings and best selected papers will be proposed for special issues in relevant Journals.

All proposals and questions should be submitted to the Workshops Co-chairs:

Dr. Feng TIAN, Bournemouth University – UK (
Prof. Dr. Ruck THAWONMAS, Ritsumeikan University – JP (

Important Dates:

Workshop proposals due: December 11, 2017

Workshop proposals acceptance notification: December 16, 2017

Workshop papers due: February 25, 2018

Workshop papers acceptance notification: March 20, 2018

Final camera-ready paper due: March 30, 2018

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