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ICACC-2015 2015 : First International Conference on Anti-Cybercrime


When Feb 9, 2015 - Feb 11, 2015
Where Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Submission Deadline Nov 30, 2014
Notification Due Dec 15, 2014
Final Version Due Dec 25, 2014
Categories    cybercrime

Call For Papers

The ICACC-2015 aims to bring together primarily researchers, but also practitioners from academia, industry and governmental institutions to elaborate and discuss IT security and privacy challenges that we are facing today and will be facing in the future.

The Scientific and Technical Program includes:

- Keynote Presentations
- Panels
- Paper Sessions
- Exhibitions
- Poster Sessions
- Pre-Congress workshops
Authors from scientific, social, and policy making communities are invited to submit original research papers and experience reports describing innovative work in the subject field.

Scope and Topics:

- Properties, effects and recent trends of cybercrime
- Public awareness in cybercrime
- Cybercrime and terrorism
- Features of cybercrime criminals
- Anti-cybercrime concepts and challenges
- Anti-cybercrime laws and agreement
- Anti-cybercrime knowledge in formal education
- Cybercrime detection techniques and means
- Information security role in cybercrime
- Infrastructure protection for electronic information
- Securing electronic transactions
- Collection and handling of digital forensics
- Countries’ experiences in cybercrime

Digital Proceeding:
Accepted and presented papers will be published as proceedings in the IEEE Xplore® digital library. In addition, registrants will receive a copy of the papers at the conference.

Registration and Local Arrangements:
ICACC-2015 has No Registration Fee but participants must have to register online. Local arrangements (accommodation, food, and transportation) are complimentary for one presenter of each paper in the conference sessions.

Related Resources

WEIS 2025   The 24th Annual Workshop on the Economics of Information Security
WSDF 2025   18th International Workshop on Digital Forensics
HICSS 2025   Cybercrime at HICSS 58