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SPOSE 2021 : 3rd Workshop on Security, Privacy, Organizations, and Systems Engineering


When Oct 7, 2021 - Oct 8, 2021
Where Darmstadt, Germany
Submission Deadline Jul 30, 2021
Notification Due Sep 3, 2021
Final Version Due Sep 17, 2021
Categories    security   privacy   systems engineering   organiational science

Call For Papers


Call for Papers

*The 3rd Workshop on Security, Privacy, Organizations, and Systems Engineering (SPOSE)*

October 7 or 8, 2021, Darmstadt, Germany (virtual event)


Over the past decades, a multitude of security and privacy enhancing technologies has been developed and brought to considerable maturity. However, the design and engineering of such technologies often ignores the organizational context that respective technologies are to be applied in. A large and hierarchical organization, for example, calls for significantly different security and privacy practices and respective technologies than an agile, small startup. Similarly, whenever employees’ behavior plays a significant role for the ultimate level of security and privacy provided, their individual interests and incentives as well as typical behavioral patterns must be taken into account and materialized in concrete technical solutions and practices. Even though research on security- and privacy-related technologies increasingly considers questions of practical applicability in realistic scenarios, implementation decisions are still mostly technology-driven, and existing technical limitations and notions of “this is how we’ve always done it” hamper innovation.

On the other hand, a substantial body of organization-related security and privacy research already exists, incorporating aspects like decision-making and governance structures, individual interests and incentives of employees, organizational roles and procedures, organizational as well as national culture, or business models and organizational goals. However, there is still a large gap between the generation of respective insights and their actual incorporation in concrete technical mechanisms, frameworks, and systems.

This disconnection between rather technical and rather organization-related security and privacy research leaves substantial room for improving the fit between organizational practices on the one and the engineering of concrete technologies on the other hand. Achieving a better fit between these two sides through security and privacy technologies that soundly incorporate organizational and behavioral theories and practices promises substantial benefits for organizations and data subjects, engineers, policy makers, and society as a whole.

The aim of this workshop is therefore to discuss, exchange, and develop ideas and questions regarding the design and engineering of technical security and privacy mechanisms with particular reference to organizational contexts. We invite papers from researchers and practitioners working in security- and privacy-related systems engineering as well as in the field of organizational science to submit their original papers to this workshop. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Security and privacy technologies consciously addressing different organizational structures
- Security and privacy technologies and individual behavior
- Security and privacy technologies for and in organizational / national cultures
- Security and privacy technologies for and in unusual organizational settings
- Engineering-focused methods, frameworks, and assessment approaches for addressing the above subjects in novel ways

We particularly welcome papers explicitly translating findings and insights from organizational and behavioral theory into the concrete design and engineering of technical security and privacy mechanisms as well as papers evaluating, assessing, or scrutinizing existing security and privacy technologies against actual organizational and behavioral theories and/or givens from the practice. Papers providing a clear engineering contribution based on non-technical insights are particularly welcome. Papers without relation to concrete technologies are not excluded in general. Authors of such papers are, however, explicitly encouraged to sketch foreseen connections to and implications for the engineering domain.

*Submission Guidelines & Types of Papers*

Accepted papers are planned be published in a joint LNCS proceedings together with further ESORICS workshops. Submissions must not substantially duplicate work that any of the authors has published elsewhere or has submitted in parallel to any other venue with formally published proceedings.

Besides regular (max. 18 pages) and short (max. 8 pages) papers, we also invite practical demonstrations, intermediate reports, and mini-tutorials on respective technologies currently under development. Such contributions should be consciously tailored to inspire more in-depth discussions. Submissions falling under this category should describe the proposed contribution to the workshop in no more than 6 pages and be explicitly marked as such during the submission process.

Submissions must follow the original LNCS format ( with a page limit of 18 pages (incl. references) for full papers, 8 pages (incl. references) for short papers, and 6 pages (incl. references) for demos, mini-tutorials, etc. These page limits exclude possible appendices. Submissions must be submitted in anonymized / blinded form.

Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their papers will be presented at the workshop. At least one author must register.


Submissions must be done via Easychair at

Submissions must be formatted according to the LNCS-Template ( and in anonymized / blinded form.

*Important Dates*

- Submission deadline: July 30, 2021 (extended)
- Notification to authors: September 3, 2021 (extended)
- Pre-workshop final/cam-ready versions: September 17, 2021 (extended)
- Workshop: October 7 or 8, 2021 – see program:
- “Ultimate” versions with final amendments from the workshop (post-proceedings): (no earlier than) October 15, 2021


- Frank Pallas (TU Berlin)
- Angela Sasse (Ruhr-Uni Bochum)
- Jörg Pohle (Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society)

Related Resources

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