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DTS 2015 : Dubai Tomorrow Summit


When Apr 6, 2015 - Apr 7, 2015
Where United Arab Emirates
Submission Deadline Apr 1, 2015
Categories    logistics & transportation   UTILITIES   renewable energy   power and water

Call For Papers

BE Summits organizes "Dubai Tomorrow" to be held on 6th - 7th April 2015 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The aim of our summit is to help discuss methods which will help Dubai develop and grow further. Final decision makers will get a chance to interact with some of the top notch Government officials. The conference would act as a platform wherein new technologies, upcoming innovations and the latest trends will be discussed.

The key topics discussed in the summit are as follows:

1) Methods to foster entrepreneurship & innovation.
2) The power of Partnership & Innovation.
3) Efficient Logistics and Transportation systems.
4) New models - Sustainable Economic Development.
5) Developing regulatory policies and framework for conserving water resources.
6) Technology & Innovation for optimum usage of water resources.

For more event details please visit or contact us at / 080 4963 7000

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