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BEMP-9th International Conference 2015 : Balancing Sustainability Growth and Macroeconomic Stability | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://www.bi.go.id/en/ruang-media/info-terbaru/Pages/Call-for-Paper-9th-International-Conf-BEMP-.aspx | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
The annual International Conference is a forum for professionals from across countries to exchange ideas and experience on current economic and banking with a paper and poster for presentation. The 9th International Conference 2015 will be held August 6th 2015, Jakarta-Indonesia.
This conference calls the attention of practitioner, academician, researcher and policy maker to discuss and to share the ideas for better and perhaps more equalized economy.This year’s theme is: "Balancing Sustainability Growth and Macroeconomic Stability” Suggested topics are: The Source of Financing for Economic Growth - Overheating and The Economic Development Challenges - The New Role of Government on Fasten Economic Development - Towards a More Effective Fiscal and Monetary Authority Coordination - The Role of Central Bank, Government, and FSA. - Why Near Zero Interest Rate Does Not Trigger Inflation in Developed Countries? - The Tax System, Fiscal Capacity and Government Purchasing Power - Enterpreneurship and Conversion of Private Capital Toward Investment - Financing Strategy for Investment on Infrastructure - Technology Adaption and Productivity Spillover - Simplifying Beuracracy: The Role of Rule Maker - Sectoral Advantage and The Role of State Owned Enterprise (SOE’s) - Infrastructure Follow People vs People Follow Infrastructure THE PROGRAM There are 2 main programs as follows: 1.Conference, a.Presented in plenary or parallel session. b.Selected from accomplished research. 2.Poster presentation, a.Printed on poster. b.Guided and presented by the author on exhibition stand. c.Not necessarily accomplished research (research design, PHD proposal or ongoing research are allowed). d.Poster presentation will be evaluated by the referee and audience. e.The committee provides reward for best poster. IMPORTANT DATE *Open Submission : October, 15th 2014 *Dateline for abstract : April, 30th 2015 *Acceptance Notification : May,31st 2015 *Full paper/poster Submission : July,17th 2015 *Free seat booking (for non-presenters) : July, 24th 2015 *The conference : August, 6th 2015 SUBMISSION GUIDELINE: * Submission: -Detailed abstract is required and must contain: (1) Research background, research question (2) Review of related previous study, contribution and the limitation of research (3) Brief explanation of data and variables (4) Estimation method (5) Expected result. -The committee will evaluate and decide type of presentation (conference and poster). -All submission should be along with Curriculum Vitae. *Language: English *Writing Format: -Full paper should not exceed 35 pages, A4 paper, 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman 12). -Symbol and equation must be written using Microsoft Equation. -We encourage author to write their reference using reference application. *Mailing address: All files should be sent to: paper.bemp@gmail.com and Cc. to tsubandoro@bi.go.id. Bcc.to bemp@bi.go.id PARTICIPANT --For non-presenter, the free seat booking should be made earlier by contacting the secretariat (see the contact). --Accommodation and travel expenses should be covered by participants themselves. We provide accommodation for presenters only. CONTACT ^Dr. Andi M. Alfian Parewangi (alfian.parewangi@gmail.com) ^Tri Subandoro (tsubandoro@bi.go.id) ^Aliyah Farwah (aliyah.farwah@gmail.com) BULLETIN OF MONETARY ECONOMICS AND BANKING Building Syafruddin Prawiranegara, 20th floor Jl. M.H. Thamrin No.2 - Jakarta 10350, Indonesia Phone. 62-21-2981 6571/Fax. 62-21-3524484 E-mail: paper.bemp@gmail.com cc. bemp@bi.go.id |