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SATURN 2015 : Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Architecture Technology User Network (SATURN) 2015 Call for Submissions


When Apr 27, 2015 - Apr 30, 2015
Where Baltimore, Maryland
Submission Deadline Jan 16, 2015
Notification Due Jan 30, 2015
Categories    software architecture   software development   software engineering

Call For Papers

SATURN 2015 Call for Submissions

Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Architecture Technology User Network (SATURN) Conference 2015
April 27-30, 2015
Lord Baltimore Hotel, Baltimore, Maryland

Important Dates
Proposal submission: Jan 16, 2015
Notification: Jan 30, 2015
Conference: April 27-30, 2015

Submissions for the SATURN 2015 technical program are now being accepted. Please submit proposals for 15-, 30-, and 90-minute sessions to the online submission system no later than January 16, 2015. Proposals will be reviewed and accepted monthly. Proposals not accepted early will receive feedback from a committee of software-architecture community leaders that can be used to refine the proposal before the final deadline.

Submitters who are accepted to give 90-minute presentations will receive free conference registration and one free night in the conference hotel. Those accepted to give 15- and 30-minute presentations will receive 60% off the full conference-registration fee. This compensation applies to one speaker in a multiple-author talk.

Conference Themes
This year's technical program will cover a variety of subjects organized into three themes:

1. Technology - This theme comprises topics related to technology in the context of software architecture. Specific examples that explore technical details and stories (success or failure) that demonstrate how system properties are promoted or inhibited by technology choices are a good fit. Diagrams and code are a good fit.

2. Methods and Tools - This theme comprises topics related to experiences tailoring and using software architecture analysis, design, and evaluation methods and supporting tools. Innovative new methods and tools are just as important as variants and lessons from the field using existing methods and tools. Anecdotes and evidence-based experiences are a good fit.

3. Leadership and Business - This theme comprises topics related to the software architect's role in leading teams and influencing business decisions. Topics relevant to both organizations and professionals that address the human elements of software architecture are a good fit.

A session might touch on more than one of these themes, but successful sessions will have a primary theme that will be the main focus. For specific suggested topics within these themes, please see the full Call for Submissions at

For full submission details and requirements, please see

All proposals must be submitted to the online submission system no later than January 16, 2015. Proposals will be reviewed and accepted monthly. Proposals not accepted early will receive feedback from a committee of software-architecture community leaders that can be used to refine the proposal before the final deadline.

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