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RIoT 2015 : 2015 First International Conference on Recent Advances in Internet of Things


When Apr 7, 2015 - Apr 9, 2015
Where Singapore
Submission Deadline Dec 31, 2014
Notification Due Jan 31, 2015
Final Version Due Feb 7, 2015
Categories    IOT   smart cities

Call For Papers

CALL FOR PAPERS: RIoT 2015 Final Paper Submission Deadline [* 31 Dec 2014 *]

2015 First International Conference on Recent Advances in Internet of Things

Singapore, 7-9 April 2015

Co-located with IoT Asia 2015 and IEEE ISSNIP 2015


The Internet, network of networks, over the years, provided the core backbone for connectivity. The Internet has been a revolutionary technology to an extent that any devices “things” can be connected and be accessible and controlled from any corners of the world. This has given rise to the Internet of Things (IoT). The mission is to enable communication, and computation enabled devices on different networks to be able talk to each other using a common protocol. This will allow new and smart devices to be added to the Internet infrastructure.

There are several challenges in terms of turning the vision of IoT into reality. This includes architecture, communication, services, computational intelligence, storage, governance apart from core areas of sensor development and material engineering. This conference brings together researchers from diversely cross-disciplinary areas to address challenges in the emerging discipline. Co-located with industry oriented IoT Asia - 2015 and research oriented IEEE ISSNIP 2015, RIoT 2015 discusses the recent advances in Internet of Things and the feasibility of extending wireless sensor network technology to become truly ubiquitous with new Cloud computing technologies, Big data analysis, citizen engagement and Governance.

RIoT 2015 invites original contributions on all topics related to the Internet of Things. All accepted papers will be made available on IEEE Xplore. The submitted paper must be camera-ready and in IEEE format not exceeding 6 pages.


Topics of interest:

* IoT Devices: novel hardware circuit design, IoT enabled control systems, system interfaces, resource-constrained hardware designs, embedded software, embedded processing, IoT enabled testbeds

* IoT Sensors: resource-constrained sensors such as energy-efficient and low-cost sensors, smart sensors, new sensing technologies, novel sensing concepts, large scale sensing, pervasive sensing, compressed sensing

* IoT Architecture: networking strategies, communication protocols, scalability of the architecture, reliability of architecture and data, future internet architecture and IoT, cyber physical systems (CPS)

* IoT Web Services: cloud-based solutions for IoT, data storage, data management, security and privacy aspects of the data, web semantics, data-centric solutions, citizen-centric solutions, device-centric solutions

* Security and Privacy for IoT: dependability, integrity, IoT as part of an authentication scheme, privacy and anonymity, trust management, cyber attack detection, security of cyber physical systems

* IoT Visualization: user interface, information design, geo-spatial information, real-time data visualization

* IoT Applications and Solutions: smart cities, smart parking, smart water management, smart healthcare, smart grid, smart agriculture, urban noise monitoring, smart lighting, waste management, smart roads, forest monitoring, flora and fauna monitoring, infrastructure monitoring, monitoring public spaces

* IoT Data Analytics: novel algorithms to provide efficient data analytics, real-time analytics, providing automated and meaningful information

* IoT Crowdsourcing: engaging people to participate in crowdsourcing applications and solutions, participatory sensing, citizen engagement

* IoT Governance: enabling IoT for decision-making for end-users, policymaking for city councils


Important dates:

Conference Dates 7-9 April 2015
Workshop Date 9 April 2015
Paper Submission Deadline 31 Dec 2014 [*Final]
Paper Acceptance Notification 31 Jan 2015 [*Final]
Camera Ready Manuscript 07 Feb 2015 [*Final]


Web :


General Co-Chairs:
Marimuthu Palaniswami - The University of Melbourne, Australia.
Hwee-Pink Tan - Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore.

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