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WISSE 2014 : Fourth International Workshop on Information Systems Security Engineering


When Jun 17, 2014 - Jun 17, 2014
Where Thessaloniki, Greece
Submission Deadline Feb 22, 2014
Notification Due Mar 18, 2014
Final Version Due Mar 28, 2014
Categories    information system   security   privacy   anonymity

Call For Papers

Fourth International Workshop on Information Systems Security Engineering - WISSE'14

To be held in conjunction with the 26th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'14)

Thessaloniki, Greece, 16 - 20 June 2014

*****************Important Dates************************

Regular Research and Experience Paper Submission: February 15, 2014

Demo/poster papers: March 11, 2014

Authors Notification: March 18, 2014

Camera Ready Submission: March 28, 2014

Workshop Date: June 17, 2014


Workshop Description

As modern Information systems support significant areas of the human society, which require storage and processing of sensitive personal and organisational information, security problems of information systems are currently a widespread and growing concern. The scientific community has realized the importance of aligning information systems engineering and security engineering in order to develop more secure information systems.

The International Workshop on Information System Security Engineering aims to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to present, discuss and debate on one hand the latest research work on methods, models, practices and tools for secure information systems engineering, and on the other hand relevant industrial applications, recurring challenges, problems and industrial led solutions at the area of secure information systems engineering.

Topics of particular interest include (but are not limited to):

* Security and privacy requirements models and engineering
* Security and privacy analysis methods and models
* Security and privacy design methods and models
* Security and privacy testing methods and models
* Security and privacy modelling Support Tools
* Integrating functional, security and privacy requirements
* Threat-driven and Model-driven security
* Secure IS interoperability modelling
* Security and process modelling
* Modelling Security and Trust
* Managing Secure Software development
* Security in Agile Software Development Methods
* Methodologies and models for evaluating IS security and privacy aspects
* Formal methods for modelling security
* Models and approaches for the verification of security and privacy properties
* Approaches for managing security changes in IS
* Component-based, Aspect-oriented, Agent-based, Pattern-based Information system Security methods
* Methods, models and tools for workflow and Business Process Security
* Case studies in modelling secure IS
* Security Architectures and Patterns for Information Systems
* Semantic Web Technologies applied to Security
* Ontologies for IS security
* Security Engineering for specific Information Systems (e-Services, databases, mobile, internet, social networks, ...)
* Security Engineering for SOA Systems
* Methods for security reengineering
* Software Security Knowledge
* Enterprise Software Security


Prospective authors are invited to submit papers in any of the topics of the workshop. The results described must be unpublished and must not be under review elsewhere. Only papers in English will be accepted. Manuscripts must comply with the Springer LNCS formatting rules. Prepare your manuscript as a PDF file and submit it to the workshop organizers via the EasyChair system.

We accept three types of submissions: Regular Research Papers, Experience Papers and Demo/Poster Papers.

Regular Research Papers describe original solutions (theoretical, methodological or conceptual) in the field of secure information systems engineering. A regular research paper should describe the context of the work, the problem tackled, the relevant state of the art, the position or solution suggested and the benefits of the contribution. The length of regular research papers should not exceed 12 pages (including all text, figures, references and appendices.). Three to five keywords characterising the paper should be indicated at the end of the abstract.

Experience papers present application of work to case studies and industrial practice. Such papers should provide a detail description of the application setting, describe lessons learned, and discuss best practice. Experience papers should not exceed 12 pages (including all text, figures, references and appendices.). Three to five keywords characterising the paper should be indicated at the end of the abstract.

Demo/Poster papers should briefly discuss academic and/or industrial efforts on software tools and systems for secure information systems engineering. Demo/Poster papers should not exceed 1 page and they should provide a brief description of the research and software/system to be demonstrated. Poster papers are also ideal to explain a new idea and get feedback from the community. It is expected that accepted papers will be presented in the form of a live demonstration or a poster.

Submissions not conforming to the LNCS format and the above page limitations or being obviously out of the scope of the workshop will be rejected without review.


For each accepted submission, at least one author is expected to register for the workshop and attend the workshop in order to present the paper. Registration is through the CAiSE'14 web site.

Workshop Structure

The workshop will combine paper presentations, poster/demonstration session, and a keynote.

Moreover, accepted papers apart from presentation time, will be assigned with one or two discussants with responsibility to initiate the discussion on the paper. We are confident that such structure will support a workshop environment that will be based on discussion, debate and will therefore provide an important contribution to the relevant research community.

List of PC members

Kamel Adi, Université de Québec en Outaouais, Canada
Alban Gabillon. Université de Polynésie Française. Polynésie Française
Antonio Maña. University of Malaga. Spain
Brajendra Panda. University of Arkansas. USA
Carlos Blanco. University of Cantabria. Spain
Christos Kalloniatis, University of the Aegean, Greece
Daniel Mellado. Spanish Tax Agency. Spain
David G. Rosado. University of Castilla-La Mancha. Spain
Djamel Benslimane. LIRIS, Claude Bernard Lyon I University, France
Eduardo Fernández-Medina Patón. University of Castilla-La Mancha. Spain
Eduardo B. Fernández. Florida Atlantic University. USA
Eric Dubois. CRP Henri Tudor. Luxembourg
Ernesto Damiani. Università degli Studi di Milano. Italy
Esma Aïmeur. Université de Montréal. Canada
Fabio Massacci. Università degli Studi di Trento. Italy
Frédéric Cuppens. Telecom Bretagne. France
Frédéric Gervais. Université Paris-Est Créteil. France
Günther Pernul. University of Regensburg. Germany
Haris Mouratidis. University of East London. UK
Isabelle Comyn-Wattiau. CNAM. Paris, France
Jacky Akoka. CEDRIC-CNAM. France
Jan Jürjens, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany
Luis Enrique Sánchez. University of Castilla-La Mancha. Spain
Mahmoud Barhamgi, LIRIS, Claude Bernard Lyon I University, France
Marc Gondree. Naval Postgradual School. USA
Mohammad Zulkernine. Queen's University. Canada
Nadira Lammari. CEDRIC-CNAM. France
Nineta Polemi. University of Pireaus. Greece
Nora Cuppens. LUSSI/SERES Telecom-Bretagne. France
Paolo Giorgini. University of Trento. Italy
Régine Laleau. LACL, Université Paris-Est Créteil. France
Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati. Università degli Studi di Milano. Italy
Shareeful Islam, University of East London, UK.
Stefanos Gritzalis. University of the Aegean, Greece
Steven Furnell. Plymouth University. UK
Yves Ledru. LIG, University of Grenoble. France

Workshop organization

General Chair:

Dr Haris Mouratidis
School of Architecture, Computing and Engineering.
University of East London. Docklands Campus.
4/6 University Way, E16 2RD, London

Programme Chairs:

Dr. David G. Rosado
University of Castilla-La Mancha. Paseo de la Universidad, 4
13071 Ciudad Real, Spain

Dr Nadira Lammari
CEDRIC-CNAM. 292 Rue Saint Martin
75141 Paris Cedex 03, France

Steering Committee Chair

Dr Nadira Lammari
CEDRIC-CNAM. 292 Rue Saint Martin
75141 Paris Cedex 03, France

Steering Committee

Dr Nora Cuppens
LUSSI/SERES Telecom-Bretagne. 2 Rue de La Châtaigneraie.
35576 Cesson-Sévigné, France

Dr. Jan Jürjens
Technical University of Dortmund. 44221 Dortmund, Germany

Dr Haris Mouratidis
School of Architecture, Computing and Engineering.
University of East London. Docklands Campus.
4/6 University Way, E16 2RD, London

Dr. David G. Rosado
University of Castilla-La Mancha. Paseo de la Universidad, 4
13071 Ciudad Real, Spain

Dr Carlos Blanco
Department of Mathematics, Statistical and Computation.
Facultad de Ciencias. University of Cantabria.
Av. De los Castros, s/n - 39071, Santander, Spain

Dr. Daniel Mellado
Spanish Tax Agency
28046, Madrid, Spain

Publicity chairs:

Dr Shareeful Islam
School of Architecture, Computing and Engineering.
University of East London. Docklands Campus.
4/6 University Way, E16 2RD, London

Dr. Luis Enrique Sánchez
University of Armed Forces, Ecuador

Dr Frédéric Gervais
LACL, Université Paris-Est Créteil. Route forestière Hurtault
77300 Fontainebleau. France

Related Resources

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ISKE 2025   The 20th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE 2025)
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IJIBM 2025   IJIBM 2025 : Call For Papers - International Journal of Information, Business and Management
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