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ICSOB 2020 : 11th International Conference on Software Business


Conference Series : International Conference on Software Business
When Nov 16, 2020 - Nov 18, 2020
Where Online
Abstract Registration Due Aug 21, 2020
Submission Deadline Sep 15, 2020
Notification Due Oct 15, 2020
Final Version Due Nov 1, 2020
Categories    software business   software ecosystems   software engineering   business models

Call For Papers

The 11th International Conference on Software Business will be held Online and supported by Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden.

This year’s ICSOB is focused on digitalization and its impact on the speed of business models and business modeling and realization of these business models.

Digitalization is one of the main drivers of these transformations and forces software companies to rethink the ways of developing business models, innovate and deliver software products. Digitalization fuels the speed of changes in the planning (business modeling and strategy) layer in relation to the speed of changes in the realization (development and deployment) layer. The recent Covid19 pandemic has impacted many companies and highlighted the supporting role of software.

Advancements in the software industry have had a substantial impact on productivity and GDP growth globally. There is a noticeable spillover within other industries (e.g. manufacturing) enabling new business models. Software business refers to commercial activities in and around the software industry aimed at generating income from the delivery of software products and services.

Conference theme: Software as a Driver for Global Transformations

Software products are delivering significant value for the last 50 years. Also recently, with the COVID-19 pandemic software products and ecosystems help us to reorganize our daily life, find potential vaccine, optimize required resources and enable necessary communication means. The intangible nature of software products make them not only greatly contribute to the digital society, but also quickly adjust to rapidly changing environments. The flexibility of software and its inherit global reach had yet again proven to be unbeatable benefits.

The recent global pandemic impacts many industries that need to redefine their business offering or accelerate their digital journey much faster than anticipated. During this journey, software companies have to depend on one another to deliver a unique value proposition to their customers or a unique experience to their users. Companies that were engineering-driven become software intensive and struggle to keep up with the required speed of development and planning.

ICSOB 2020 intends to attract researchers and practitioners who are concerned with software business in different ways. You are invited to submit papers addressing contemporary issues emerging at the intersection of the software and business domains, broadly defined. Both papers reporting research results and industrial experiences are welcome.

We welcome both research and industry papers to the conference. The papers should be original and not submitted to or accepted by any other conference or journal. We are looking for the short position and practice papers (maximum 6 pages) that provide insights on the life cycle management of software products and industry case studies as well as full research papers (maximum 15 pages) describing novel approaches to software business for software products and services.

The topics that ICSOB welcomes (but not limited to) are listed below:

Software as a supporting mechanism in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic – includes not only software products designed to find vaccine for COVID-19, but primarily software that enables more efficient remote work, social distancing and pandemic prevention.
Software Ecosystems and App Stores – aspects related to software ecosystems health, ecosystem orchestration and governance, app economy, actors, and supply network analysis, incentives and ecosystem-based business models
Software Business Development – aspects related to developing business models and business modeling for software products and services, the economics of software companies, internationalization, outsourcing and other strategies for realizing these business models.

Licensing, intellectual property and patents aspects and other legal aspects associated with software business – privacy and security are also welcome here.
Software startups – aspects related to environment success factors for software business and startups, software startup processes, disruptive innovation and adoption of startups, managing startup growth and research dissemination through startups
Continuous Improvement – aspects related to a continuous and holistic approach to software business that includes software product management, lifecycle perspective, effective business model change and improvement, continuous delivery and agile development to support software businesses. Also platform governance, digital platforms, and matchmakers, value co-creation, mergers and acquisitions.

Another aspect- games and gamification, software business education, disruptive trends in software business and the future of software business
You are very welcome to submit your papers to one of these tracks via the EasyChair submission system:

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