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FSMNLP 2015 : Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing


Conference Series : Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing
When Jun 22, 2015 - Jun 24, 2015
Where Düsseldorf
Submission Deadline Mar 20, 2015
Notification Due Apr 30, 2015
Final Version Due May 14, 2015
Categories    computational linguistics

Call For Papers


Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing - FSMNLP 2015
12th International Conference

Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, Germany
June 22-24, 2015


The international conference series Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing (FSMNLP) is the premier forum of the ACL Special Interest Group on Finite-State Methods (SIGFSM). It serves researchers and practitioners working on:

* natural language processing (NLP) applications or language resources,
* theoretical and implementational aspects, or
* their combinations

that have obvious relevance or an explicit relation to finite-state methods.


The conference invites papers related to themes including but not limited to:

* NLP applications and linguistic aspects of finite-state methods
* Finite-state models of language
* Practices for building morphological models for the world's languages using finite-state technology
* Machine learning of finite-state models of natural language
* Finite-state manipulation software and tools with relevance to NLP

We would like to reintroduce the FSMNLP 2012 SPECIAL THEME:


The special theme does not restrict the scope of papers. We would like to encourage a variety of submissions relating to any practical dimension of finite-state NLP.

* Practical implementations of linguistic descriptions with finite-state technology, including grammars, machine learning tools, language-specific challenges to finite-state NLP
* Software tools and utilities for finite-state NLP
* Finite-state models of linguistic theories
* Applications of finite-state-based NLP in closely related fields such as comparative linguistics, text processing, field linguistics, applied linguistics, language teaching, and computer-aided translation.


* March 20, paper submission deadline
* April 30, notification
* May 14, camera-ready version

Deadlines are midnight Pacific Standard Time (UTC−8).


Papers should present original, unpublished research and implementation results. Simultaneous submission to other venues with published proceedings is prohibited. FSMNLP accepts two kinds of submissions:

* long papers (8 pages including references) reporting completed,
significant research,
* short papers (4 pages including references) reporting ongoing work and partial results, implementations, grammars, practical tools, interactive software demos, etc.

Short papers are expected to be presented as system demos in demo sessions, posters and/or short presentations, while long papers are presented in longer presentations.

All submissions are electronic and in PDF format via a web-based submission server. Authors are strongly encouraged to use the latest ACL style (available for LaTeX and Word) in producing the PDF document. The 2014 templates are available at:

Information about the author(s) and other identifying information such as obvious self-references (e.g., "We showed in [12] ...") and financial or personal acknowledgements should be omitted in the submitted papers whenever feasible.

Papers will be submitted electronically in PDF using the EasyChair system. A paper may contain a clearly marked appendix and data files to support its claims. This material will not be published. While reviewers are urged to consult this extra material for better comprehension, it is at their discretion whether they do so. Such extra material should also be anonymized to the extent feasible.

Use the following link for submission:

All accepted papers will be published in FSMNLP 2015 proceedings and archived in the ACL Anthology.

Further information about the conference is available at the website:
fsmnlp2015 at phil dot hhu dot de

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