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EURASIP RPCM 2011 : EURASIP JWCN, Special issue on Radio Propagation, Channel Modeling, and Wireless Channel Simulation Tools for Heterogeneous Networking Evaluation


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Mar 1, 2011
Notification Due Jun 1, 2011
Final Version Due Jul 15, 2011
Categories    propagation   channel modeling   heterogeneous networks

Call For Papers

Up to now, cellular networks were deployed under thorough design and planning procedures, exploiting dedicated radio resources. Two fundamental changes are now anticipated due to the radio spectrum scarcity. Firstly, the strict reservation of a specific band for a unique standard could evolve toward a priority policy allowing the co-existence of secondary users. Secondly, a strong densification of actual cellular networks is expected by combining small outdoor cells and indoor femtocells (Home eNodeB) together with actual systems. This evolution is accompanied with the emergence of cognitive radio that becomes a reality in terminals and the development of self-organization capabilities together with distributed cooperative behaviors. Hence, the exponential development of future wireless systems including 4G cellular systems, high rate wireless LANs, but also secondary systems that could exploit unused periods in the same band, such as Machine-to-Machine or wireless sensors networks applications, lead to the heterogeneous wireless networking paradigm.

Evaluating the performance of any solution associated with this paradigm calls for new propagation or channel models and related simulation methods that comply with the following objectives: 1) Simulating multi-scale systems to address coexistence and cooperative mechanisms, 2) Developing stochastic models that are able to take uncertainties, spatial correlations and time variations into account to provide stable and accurate local predictions, 3) Providing interference models from coexisting system over total or partially overlapping bands, 4) Providing dynamic and adaptive realistic propagation models and simulation tools that could be a part of future intelligent systems to improve real-time adaptation, 5) Balancing accuracy and computational complexity, 6) Predicting QoS parameters instead of only channel state information. In addetion, Papers presenting new physical models and simulation tools allowing heterogeneous networking evaluation will be welcomed. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

- Deterministic versus statistical channel models
- Outdoor-indoor channel modeling
- Space- and time-correlated models for shadowing or fading
- Non-Gaussian MIMO channels
- Propagation simulation for femto/pico/macrocells
- Propagation model for next generation systems
- Indoor/outdoor radio propagation models
- Simulation and measurements comparison

Before submission authors should carefully read over the journal's Author Guidelines, which are located at Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the journal Manuscript Tracking System at according to the following timetable:

Manuscript Due March 1, 2011
First Round of Reviews June 1, 2011
Publication Date September 1, 2011

Lead Guest Editor:
Jean-Marie Gorce, INSA-Lyon, INRIA, France
Guest Editors:
Chia-Chin Chong, Docomo Communications Laboratories, USA
Yves Lostanlen, Siradel, Toronto, Canada
Guillaume de la Roche, University of Bedfordshire, UK
Guillaume Villemaud, INSA-Lyon, France

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