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SenseDev 2017 : The 3rd Summer School on Practical Wireless Sensor Networks development


When Mar 20, 2017 - Mar 24, 2017
Where University of San Carlos, Cebu, Philippi
Submission Deadline Jan 20, 2017
Notification Due Jan 27, 2017
Categories    IOT   wsn

Call For Papers

We are pleased to announce a call for participation to the 3rd Summer School on Practical Wireless Sensor Networks.

The Internet of Things (IoT) and their precursor Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is the next technological revolution. IoT will produce vast amount of data and knowledge of the world around us which will change the way we live and work, and create a significant economic impact on society.

The SenseDev’17 summer school aims to provide post-graduate students, PhD students, ECR’s, and engineers from industry with hands-on knowledge in Wireless Sensor Network’s (WSNs) and the Internet of Things (IoT) domains. The summer school will provide many examples of successful IoT applications to solve real-world problems, which has a social-impact. A focus will be on the first wirelessly instrumented factory in the Philippines which aims to improve worker safety, and improve production times.

The program of the school is delivered over five days from 20th March to 24th March 2017 The school will combine lectures on fundamental and applied aspects of WSNs with hands-on tutorials, providing the participants with a solid understanding and experience to anchor their research in this field. At the end of the five days’ participants will have built their first fully-fledged WSN.

The school is hosted by the University of San Carlos, Philippines, delivered by Coventry University, UK, and sponsored by the British Council.


Participants are expected to have completed an undergraduate degree in computer science, or electrical/electronic engineering, or have relevant practical industrial knowledge. Participants are expected to have a working knowledge of programming, desirably in C.


Participation is open to interested MSC and PhD students as well as industry professionals new to the field. It is expected that the school will host a total of 60 participants from all over the world.

For Philippine students: The registration fee is 7500 Philippines pesos.
For International students: The registration fee is 9000 Philippines pesos (£125; €178; $190).

The course fees include participation at all school activities, school material, and refreshments during the course. The price also includes admission to the welcome dinner, and transportation for the field trip on Day 4. A city tour can be arranged during the week at an additional cost.

Accommodation can be sourced by the hosts (participants will self-pay) situated at the University of San Carlos, or hotels in the nearby area can be suggested.


To apply for a position at the summer school send your CV along with a cover letter stating your motivation for attendance to the relevant contact:

International applicants please contact: Ross Wilkins (
Philippines applicants please contact: Isabelo Rabuya (


Application deadline: January 20th, 2017
Notification of admittance: January 25th, 2017
Registration Deadline: February 1st, 2017

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