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Local-Remote Collaboration Workshop 2015 : Supporting “Local Remote” Collaboration Workshop @ CSCW 2015


When Mar 15, 2015 - Mar 15, 2015
Where Vancouver, BC, Canada
Submission Deadline Dec 1, 2014
Notification Due Dec 15, 2015
Final Version Due Jan 15, 2015
Categories    co-located collaboration   multi-device environment   CSCW   HCI

Call For Papers

Workshop on Supporting “Local Remote” Collaboration

Submission deadline: ‎December 1, 2014
Workshop date: March 15, 2015
Workshop location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

Held at CSCW 2015: ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing

Stacey Scott, University of Waterloo
T.C. Nicholas Graham, Queen's University
James R. Wallace, University of Waterloo
Mark Hancock, University of Waterloo
Miguel Nacenta, University of St. Andrews

Co-located environments are often seen as ideal group work settings since they provide a rich communication environment (e.g. delay-free voice communication, face-to-face interaction, eye gaze, and non-verbal communication) that promotes awareness and coordination. However, multi-device ecologies, in which co-located collaborators utilize multiple personal devices (e.g., laptops, tablets) or personal devices in conjunction with large shared displays, such as digital walls or tabletops, can interfere with common face-to-face communication and collaboration strategies. These contexts shift group members’ focus, at least some of the time, toward their personal devices and away from their collaborators or any shared artifacts. Group communication and coordination can easily breakdown in these scenarios due to the lack of shared group focus. This workshop will explore design techniques to address this issue, and improve group awareness in these co-located multi-device ecologies. This will be accomplished through group presentations, brainstorming sessions, and small-group breakout sessions.

We encourage submissions from authors, where topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Application of existing remote groupware design in co-located multi-device ecology applications
* Adaptation of existing remote groupware design in co-located multi-device ecology applications
* Studies of communication, coordination, or awareness in co-located multi-device ecologies
* Studies of communication, coordination, or awareness in co-located single-device settings that shed light on sources of collaborative breakdowns during co-located group work involving technology
* New, co-located specific interface and interaction design concepts for supporting communication, coordination, and/or awareness in multi-device ecologies

Workshop website:

Important dates:
Submission deadline: December 1, 2014
Notification ‎of acceptance: December 15, 2014
Workshop date: March 15, 2015
CSCW 2015 conference: March 14-18, 2015

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