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CPSIoTSec 2023 : CPSIoTSec 2023 : The 5th Workshop on CPS&IoT Security and Privacy (with ACM CCS)


When Nov 26, 2023 - Nov 26, 2023
Where Copenhagen, Denmark
Submission Deadline Jul 18, 2023
Notification Due Aug 10, 2023
Final Version Due Sep 8, 2023
Categories    security   IOT   CPS

Call For Papers

The Workshop on CPS&IoT Security and Privacy (CPSIoTSec 2023) invites academia, industry, and governmental entities to submit:

* Original research papers on the security and privacy of CPS&IoT
* Systematization of Knowledge (SoK) papers on the security and privacy of CPS&IoT
* Demos (hands-on or videos) of testbeds/experiences of CPS&IoT security and privacy research

We seek submissions from multiple interdisciplinary backgrounds tackling security and privacy issues in CPS&IoT, including but not limited to:

* Mathematical foundations for secure CPS/IoT
* Control-theoretic approaches
* High assurance security architectures
* Security and resilience metrics
* Metrics and risk assessment approaches
* Identity and access management
* Privacy and trust
* Network security
* Game theory applied to CPS/IoT security
* Human factors, humans in the loop, and usable security
* Understanding dependencies among security, reliability and safety in CPS/IoT
* Economics of security and privacy
* Intrusion and anomaly detection
* Model-based security systems engineering
* Sensor and actuator attacks
* CPS/IoT malware analysis
* CPS/IoT firmware analysis
* Hardware-assisted CPS/IoT security

Also of interest will be papers that can point the research community to new research directions, and those that can set research agendas and priorities in CPS/IoT security and privacy.

--------------------- Submission Guidelines ---------------------
Submissions include long papers (12 pages), short papers (6 pages), or 1-page abstracts:

Long papers include a) Original research on a CPS/IoT security and privacy topic, b) Systematization of Knowledge of CPS/IoT security and privacy;

Short papers include original work-in-progress research on a CPS/IoT security and privacy topic;

1-page abstracts include demos/interesting findings/insights on CPS/IoT security and privacy, which will be accompanied by a hands-on demo during the workshop.

Submitted papers can be up to 12 or 6 pages excluding appendices and references, and should provide enough details to enable reproducibility. All submitted papers must be anonymous, with no author names, affiliations, acknowledgements, or obvious references, for double blind reviews. Submissions must use the ACM SIG Proceedings Templates. Only PDF files will be accepted.

Accepted papers will be published by the ACM Press and/or the ACM Digital Library. We expect all authors to consider diversity and inclusion, especially when preparing their own submission (see Submissions must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings. Each accepted paper must be presented by a registered author. Submissions not meeting these guidelines risk immediate rejection. For questions about these policies, please contact the chairs.

Related Resources

Security 2025   Special Issue on Recent Advances in Security, Privacy, and Trust
ISC 2025   Information Security Conference
CCS 2025   ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2024 (round 2)
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CRBL 2025   5th International Conference on Cryptography and Blockchain
FLTA 2025   The 3rd International Conference on Federated Learning Technologies and Applications (FLTA 2025)
IEEE CSR 2025   2025 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience
ARTIIS 2025   International Conference on Advanced Research in Technologies, Information, Innovation, and Sustainability (ARTIIS 2025)
DSA 2025   The 12th International Conference on Dependability Systems and Their Applications
BIOSIG 2025   International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group