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Transforming Care 2015 : International Congress: Transforming Care - ICT and digital, citizen centric solutions for better care provision


When Feb 24, 2015 - Feb 24, 2015
Submission Deadline Jan 12, 2015
Final Version Due Jan 12, 2015
Categories    home care   connected care   care support   DIGITAL

Call For Papers

Call for Participation
We are inviting short position papers and posters proposals describing initiatives undertaken to advance the use of digital technologies to support care provision and services including training in the following categories:

1. Skills for Home Care - needs of professional care workers and carers (family, friends, relatives); use of technologies to support care and active ageing; personal development and learning opportunities; health coaching and literacy
2. Connected Care – overcoming social isolation and loneliness; supporting independence and active ageing; community development; improving systems to provide information, advice and support; use of data and user centred interfaces to support decision making and tailored healthcare solutions; smart services to support daily activities in the home, monitor health status and improve quality of life

Submission Guidelines
Full papers (Deadline 12th January 2015)
Paper structure should include: Abstract, 4-6 keywords , Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and References. Maximum full paper length is four A4 pages. Full papers should follow the format of the provided template for full papers
All submitted full papers undergo a reviewing process by at least 2 referees. Authors of accepted full papers are allocated 15 minutes including questions and discussion to present their work.
Registration of at least one of the authors before 04th February 2015 is mandatory for publication.
Posters (Deadline 9th January 2015)
Poster proposals should provide an Abstract covering: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion. Max. length is 500 words.
All submitted poster proposals undergo a reviewing process by at least 2 referees. Authors of accepted posters are required to present their work in poster sessions. Posters should be prepared in A1 or A0 formats (landscape).
Digital Solution Showcase (Deadline 12th January 2015)
Proposal should describe the digital product or service, what it delivers, what is new, who it is for and what are the benefits. Proposal length: 0.5 page A4. Duration: 5-10 min presentation
All contributions should be submitted via e-mail to
Submissions by more than one author are welcome; however only the coordinating author (as indicated in the submission) of the selected paper will be invited to take part in the Congress sessions. Additional authors will be able to attend the Congress only if space allows. All selected contributions and associated slides will be published on the DISCOVER website after the announcement of results.
Submissions will be reviewed by the programme committee and you will be notified if your proposal has been accepted by 19/01/2015.
Participation is free however there is no funding to support participants' travel.

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